Monday, September 9, 2013

Thirty Two Days

Thirty one days and seventeen hours.

That is the remainder of life as I know it. In thirty two days my goodbyes will all become goodnights. My life will change. My name will change. My address will be new, and my home will go from a three story house to just two.

In thirty two days I will wake up and be the wife of a wonderful man who has come to love and cherish me with every part of his existence. The man who has taught me that a Father's love can never be replaced, but can be mirrored. The same man who respects my family and treats them as if they were his own.

In thirty two days, I will begin to face a whole new set of challenges. I will sometimes wonder how our needs will be met, and how our schedules will coincide. I will begin each day with a brand new look on life, and constantly wonder why God would bless little old insignificant ME with so many sweet treasures.

The furniture has all been moved, and positioned in places we could both happily agree upon. The many boxes I've been collecting for years have all been stowed away or unpacked. The little house is beginning to look like home to me; Our Home.

Each time I think of it, I have to grin. Our Home. It just sounds so ... crazy to me, to think I'm sitting here on the brink of being a married lady and having a home of my own. Sharing a roof and a whole new life with a man I'm thrilled to death to call my dearest and best friend.

I'll be honest. I pinch myself sometimes, just to see if I'm dreaming or not. Turns out, this big crazy feeling dream is REALITY! Whew, what a rush I get every time it hits me anew.


Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift