
Just recently, I stumbled upon this wonderful site called Pinterest. I had heard so many talking
about it and finally, I decided I would take a look just to see what all the commotion was about.

Little did the girl know that once the site popped up on her screen, she would fall in semi-love with
such a crafty, amazing, inspirational little website that would have her hooked within a matter of minutes ... keep her coming back as often as she could to find new ideas and inspire her to start half a dozen little DIY projects of her very own.

Ah, yes. I have become a big fan of Pinterest and think it's
pretty much a very neat creative thing.

Pinned Image
Button Ornaments.
Vintage Shelf Made From Apple Crates
and a lot of hard work | love.

Pinned Image

A Fall Ribbon Wreath, hung by a Brown Satin Ribbon.
Just so you know, I really love | adore this.

Anyways! That's enough of a taste for starters. Really though, take a look
and I'll just bet you'll fall in love with it too! * smiles *

Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift