Monday, July 25, 2011

Time's A'Wastin

This morning, I haven't got a whole on my mind. I just feel pretty blessed to be living the life I do! Sure, it's got a lot of ups and downs, but really ... it's Amazing!

I'm sitting here at the Kitchen Table, listening to music -- ever present wherever I am, because it's wrapped itself around every corner of my heart -- and just letting my mind wander. It feels kind of weird not to be working at The Chicken House anymore | being home everyday | eating supper with my family for the first time in a long while & not living in black and burgundy anymore. * smiles *

Sometimes, I miss the busy hectic schedule that I had for months on end. But this? This is pretty much fantastic, to be honest. I dont have crazy hours anymore, I'm a little more involved in what's happening around my house and that's exciting! Okay, I'm not even a fan of laundry but I do and I wash dishes and have time to flip through cookbooks and know I'm going to have time to make something.

Call me looney, but I'm really lovin' it!

And this morning, I took my siblings out for a walk and they thought it was the bomb diggity. I've never seen kiddos so thrilled to go out in the garden and pick beans in all my life! The deal was, after the gardening was done we could go for a walk. But then I got to thinking about it and my softy-little heart said, "Golly Molly, how awesome would it be if you took them on a walk first thing?"

So ... I did.

And they rode their bikes, and us older girlies alternated between walking and running alongside them. Joshy made every attempt to break the speed limit of 25 mph. He grinned up at me from his bike and said, "Bep! I'm gonna go like ... thwirty."

Lucky for me -- as I was running beside him -- he didn't quite make it up to Thwirty. * winks *

Today feels like the perfect day to let the music play randomly, enjoy the Sunshine and find a lot of good things to do. Yay!


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Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift