Monday, November 25, 2013

Open or Closed?

One of the crazy things about being married - something that people warn you about but you just have to experience for yourself - would be the way two styles combine. That two people's dreams, desires, habits and funny little quirks begin to mesh right from the start.

We've had a lot of those moments from the very beginning of our brand new life together. Moments where I shut the pantry door, and he will open it. Moments of standing in front of the Red Box discussing movies or how many pillows should be on the couch.

One of my favorite things is our pantry door, believe it or not. We all grow up picking out little things that make us tick or flip us out. We become so set in our ways, so particular about the foods we like to eat or the places we like to go. For me, one of those things is keeping the pantry door shut. Guess what? My man likes seeing the pantry door OPEN, and after a month and a half of living with him, I've yet to understand just why.

But the really cool thing is, I'll do my best to make sure it always stays open. My man likes it, and I'm happy being able to do something small and insignificant.The other day, he shared with me that he sometimes shuts it for me. I had no idea, and with only two people in our house, you would think I would have realized. But in that moment, I realized again how neat it was | is that God put US together. We get tickled over small things, silly things, seemingly insignificant things.

Sometimes, I get the urge to shut the door as I'm cleaning or when the pantry needs to be rearranged and I don't want to be reminded. But instead, I leave it open and know my man will be happy. And it might sound crazy but I feel loved!

God has really been teaching me to appreciate the little things. To relax and enjoy life as it comes, to live in the present and not get so caught up in the planning - even though my two favorite Holidays are just around the corner!

All I can say is, So Far So Good!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Knot Is Tied

I sit here on the couch all cuddled up with my cup of Coffee, staring at the set of rings glistening off my left hand. We're a few days shy of our 1 Month Anniversary and I have to admit, I'm just so ... amazed.

I'm baffled. My heart is kind of flipping out. 

I'm right where I've always dreamed of being and it sure hasn't been a disappointment. I am so thankful for where the Lord has brought us, the other side of the altar where God saw the desire of my heart and gave it to me. Married life is ah-mazing! It isn't without it's ups and downs of course. We grow together, we learn together, we strive to work as a team and listen to one another's hopes and desires, thoughts and opinions.

My husband is all I desire and even more. I am grateful for the Godly man he is, for the way he works hard every day to provide for us, the way he makes the bed every morning and kisses me before he walks out the door. I'm thankful for the little surprises; taking me for a drive down to the river and down little back roads I've never been, for little notes of encouragement and love. For redoing a little rocker we found at an Antique shop when he could be sleeping, for helping around the house and driving me all over creation looking for thrifty finds on a whim. Oh yes, and for his shared love of Italian Food and Movie Nights.

Can you beat that? All the little things I never could have thought to pray for; that would have sounded crazy to ask for in one compact package. But well, you see how it turned out. Quite splendid! Whew.

This girl is super excited to live out this crazy brand new adventure ...

 To master the challenge of cooking for two rather than 8 -- which, by the way is excellent for brushing up on the math skills: trimming down practically every recipe I'm used to eying. Haha! To make our house a home, to live a life full of laughter with my friend for life, to help him shoulder the weight of problematic situations and comfort each other in times of heartache. To hold his hand and seek the Lord for guidance when we don't know which way to go, to learn to depend on this sweet man to take care of me and protect me over himself. To be a crown and delight to him for the rest of our life.

The Crock Pot is quickly becoming my best friend on busy work days. Coffee is a great motivator when scrubbing the bathroom or folding laundry at 5am. The thought of coupon clipping is daunting to me but I'm giving it a fair try. I have a live-in fashion consultant who knows my style and keeps me from second and third guessing outfits on Sunday mornings. Girls recognize the awesomeness in that last one. It's awesome. :)

Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift