Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's What We Do

I'm sitting here at quarter to midnight, eating a piece of Pizza & loving the fact that one - I'm home and second - the amazing bits of music in the background right here. Makes the girl pretty happy, just like the countless other random bits of goodness today ...

  • For starters, I fell asleep on the couch with two other siblings. We sleep like puppies on Friday nights, all six of us snuggled up on two couches. But the good thing was waking up and feeling crazy rested, which is always ALWAYS a real fine thing.
  --- I was pretty much dead to the world until my sister shoved the phone over the back of the couch and said, "Here! It's Chick-fil-A." And of course, it was. Later, I asked Kwon to pretty please not remember what I sounded like when I first picked up the phone because, well ... I was only half asleep. I discovered one thing, and that is this: I have a greater capability of saying "No" when I am not quite awake. * winks *
  • On the way to my grandparents house, I got gas for $3.09 a gallon -- and no, that's not a typo, ya'll. It was something called Customer Appreciation that I only had to wait 10 minutes to cash in on. Not to mention they gave me a bag of junk food like Cheerwine | Sour Patch Kids | Peanuts & baby Chiclets. I don't know what I'm gonna do with all that good stuff but it made me smile 'cause it was FREE!

  • My grandparents weren't home so I had the house | the pool all to myself which was pretty much amazing. The sunshine felt so good I could've stayed out there all day. And why is it that no matter if you're grandparents plan on you coming or not, there's always something scrumptious in the fridge?
  • Work was beyond fun. I was in Dining Room which is basically the top most enjoyable thing I do at CFA. The shift was crazy good, with some of my favoritest peoples hanging out with me. For starters, the moment I walked in I found Amanda making Ice Cream balls. We chatted for a few minutes, after Carolyn having only just realized I had walked in attacked me with a ginormous hug which I'm quite fond of. * secretly *

  • Amanda gave me an Ice Cream break. Can you believe it? No, you probably cant because you don't have amazing managers who believe in wonderful things like that. Jeff fried some ice cream, and we sat back there in the breakroom eating Ice Cream and smiling over its delicious yumminess with every bite -- which, come to think of it is almost ridiculous. And I'm sure I heard trumpets in the sky, I really did. * winks * 

  • Victoria and I shut Dining Room down short-people style and shared an Iced Coffed Break together. Marc ended up being back there on a break too, and we found a random can of Cinnamon. We were playing around, and Victoria decided to try a spoonful just for kicks. Oh my lanta! The kick she -- no, we ALL -- got from that was outragiously insane. You know if you shake a bottle of cinnamon how it kind of poofs when you open it? That's what it did when she dumped the spoonful in her mouth ... and she teared up quite a lot and we laughed until our stomachs hurts and tears rolled down our faces. It was too much and now, I don't know why we even attempt to pretend we're all normal. 'Cause we're just not.
  --- Just for the record, just thinking about it makes me laugh. In case you're getting the idea that all we did all night was think of a zillion creative breaks to take, we really did work too. * winks *

And now I'm thinking that maybe I can finally get some sleep, the affects of all the sunshine | fun things | fried ice cream | laughing | and craziness are wearing off. I can hardly believe it, myself. But it's a good feeling, and I'm really thankful that God gave me such an Amazing Day today!


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