Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Draggin' Ma Feet

Our kitchen is my college ...

I do online classes to the sound of kids playing upstairs, the fountain outside the window. This is something altogether different for me. I'm used to:

  •  Waking up at the crack of dawn with the smell of Hazelnut coffee filling the room.

  •  Discussing wardrobe with my roomies ... as we are quite fond of sharing clothes and matching on occasion. 

  • Grabbing the day's assignments, needed books and anything else I might find useful throughout the day, and somehow, managing to fit it neatly into my school bag.

  • Downing as much of that coffee as I could before roll call is taken. I NEVER take coffee for granted. * smiles *

  • And sometimes, struggling to keep my eyes open during early morning classes.

  • Listening to my stomach growl | watching the clock and knowing lunch was just around the corner. Thank goodness.

  • Going back to the dorm and crashing for just a little while, before rushing off to work.

  • And always Always the long talks after eleven o'clock lights out with my roomates. They were the best!

But now, I wake up and get my stuff done at whatever pace suits the day. Grab my coffee and do my devotions and as of today, sit down at the kitchen table and tackle my online classes. Up until today, I've actually been dragging my feet ... because you've no idea the initiative it takes to wake up and make one do school of their own accord.

I'm thinking this whole process is going to make me a better person because I have to dig deep to find my educational initiative that hasn't exactly made an appearance since my homeschooling days. So to online classes and doing it up right ....

Here's to you!

But let me tell you, the feeling of accomplishment is already overwhelming! Lots of people say "Oh yay, I'm so looking forward to the first day of school! It's just the second I'm worried about." That may end up being the case but I'm working at my own pace, I've established my own goals and right now I'm pretty stoked. * smiles *

And some of the best things about all this is:

I get to drink as much Coffee as I want and I can even do it in my PJs if I so please. Which in case you are wondering, I don't but I'm just saying of course. * winks *


Caleb said...

Oh, you're doing classes online too? I just started yesterday, in my PJs of course... :)

Brittany said...

I am, and I'm enjoying it! How are you liking it so far? So much better without having to wake up and get all good looking isn't it? lol

Caleb said...

Most definitely! I think it's great so far.

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