Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Down. Oh Bummer.

So as of half an hour ago, the girl has discovered the downside of online classes. All week I've been watching hours of lectures, taking the necessary notes and semi-dreading the first official quiz. It's the same old story right? I've yet to meet a person who enjoys studying for that first quiz -- not knowing what to expect. After that, of course, the world can breathe a sigh of relief. * Winks *

Tonight, I finished the last of my lessons and finally, I was ready to kick it in high gear and just knock that stuff out. I settled down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. Five minutes later, I was logged into my student account, and waiting ...

The site was temporarily unavailable. It was down, due to ... storms? To what?

I don't know. But suddenly, I felt a great wave of disappointment. I had studied for that crazy thing and just as I had resigned myself to the fact that all would be well, it was a no-go. I thought to myself, How in the world? This isn't going super smooth ...

So, the girl shall wait for tomorrow. Probably lie there in bed half the night recalling lectures and making mental notes in my head till I can't hold my eyes open another minute longer. Sounds like lots of fun, yes?

Besides all that, I had a fantastic day today!


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