Monday, August 22, 2011

Momma For A Day

So I'm not a momma, but occasionally I get a taste of the real world when I babysit for hours on end. I stay at home with my siblings a lot, but it's different when you're in a new home watching kids you barely know.

Saturday was no exception.

The house was nestled back in the woods, off a gravel road where I feared I would surely lose cellphone reception. This is nothing really new for me though; I'm told I live in the boonedocks and holding my cellphone in all manner of odd positions to find signal is simply second nature.

The little girls danced around the slate walk, pulling me toward their porch. Their big brother bounded up the steps barefeet tracking bits of grass, as he carefully juggled a basket of eggs over his arm. My cellphone vibrated from my skirt pocket. Reception? Check. I would not do this alone, this made me smile.

"Come see! Come see." Zee chanted, tugging my arm as we swung the door open and I stopped inside their cozey little home. Instantly, I was captivated. Glass lanterns hung from the living room ceiling, the walls were textured and covered in funky designed picture frames. The unmatching furniture all touched and books and unique-ness sat atop bookshelves and pie-safe shelves. The coffee table was low and World-Markety rustic, mismatched rugs littered the floor in delightful eye catching patterns.

The kitchen fascinated me beyond description. The counters were deep purple, with an orange toaster and espresso maker. The appliances were stainless steel, the cream colored cabinets were open -- displaying homey everyday dishes. Everything was just so adorable, cozey and sweet. It was different from my house, but I loved every bit of it! I truly just felt right at home.

After getting the run-down on everything I needed to do, M & K left to spend the day together. Baby Jay is only a few months old, so he went with his Momma and the bigger munchkins got to stay with me. We read books, toured the house, went outside to see the chickens and ...

I have to interrupt myself right here to say:

The girl was encouraged to pet a chicken and even a rooster. She is very much afraid of the squawk box. But having the deepest desire to be the world's most awesome baby-sitter for the day, she reached out ever so timidly -- really, she was rather nervous -- and ran her fingers down the chicken's feathery soft back.

... and then we swung on the swings and being only twenty -- which I'm told isn't very old -- I climbed all over that playset, up and down the little rope ladders about fifteen times, and over the slide and back to the swings until I was all tuckered out.

Then it was time for lunch, so the girls played in the living room while Zeb helped me get everything together. Some of them are allergic to nuts | different meats | and some dairy so they use a lot of substitutes and organic things which is different for me, but fascinating. We had Sun Butter & Sour Cherry Jelly sandwiches on Homemade bread that was so delicious. And Deviled Eggs, Celery | Carrot and Beet sticks with some kind of Mint Tea.

It was really yummy, but the whole Beet thing threw me off quite a bit because well ... okay, it tasted like a stick of dirt. No really, it did. And I thought, My lanta, this isn't going down. But alas, it did and all was well. So maybe, I shall give it another try. I know they're packed full of all manner of healthy goodness. * smiles *

We played Hide N Seek for 2 hours. You wouldn't believe how many places there were for those kids to hide! Even Miss Tiny found good spots, except when she burst into a fit of smothered giggles from wherever she was. * winks *

After supper, I popped some Popcorn and we all sat down to watch Anne of Green Gables. The kids had never seen it before but were quite enthralled, which gave me a moment or two to text my man and wash the supper dishes.

So I pretty much felt like a momma, getting meals on the table and living in a cozy little house that was mine for a day. It was one of the most fun days I've ever had. I can't wait to do it again!


Unknown said...

Hey Brittany! Just found your blog!! Sounds like a very fun day!!! I love your writing style!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Brittany said...

Thanks Renee! Glad you enjoyed it!

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