Sunday, March 25, 2012

Adventures Of A Big Kid Sitter

Miss Brittany, I really don’t need a baby sitter anymore. I’m pretty much a man.” FT says, leaning against the counter and flexing his pea-pod muscles. I’m washing dishes and telling him babysitter’s are kind of like Mommies and Daddies, they are in charge. Typically, this isn’t a problem.  

Oh? Well you have grown up quite a lot. You’re almost as big as Daddy.” I smile down at him, and picture his six foot something dad. He’s the spitting image of my boss, only much MUCH smaller and far more energetic. It’s crazy. If you ask what he wants to be when he‘s all grown up, he‘ll tell you he‘d probably like to be a firefighter or something … just as long as he‘s just like dad. “How about I be a Big Kid Sitter?”

His eyes light up, he nods emphatically. “Oh yes, Miss Brittany. That’s perfect.”

So it’s settled, I am officially his Big Kid Sitter and we’re all happy with that arrangement. Even if it IS only words.

Half an hour later, after the girls and I finished making Pita Pizzas in the kitchen and I’ve wiped their faces clean of the sauce and cheese they’ve been sneaking, we go outside to play on the Swing set.

All is fine and dandy, IT is giggling in baby-ish delight as I give her tiny pushes. She kicks her legs, and suddenly she’s hanging upside down giving me the goofiest little smile. “Wook me, Binny!” Because she can’t say my name, and I’m content with that.

I am! I see, baby girl.” I say, moving in between the swings to push all three of them. They laugh and scream into the sky as their feet almost touch it’s airy blue surface. They are loving Life and I’m on a small cloud of Heaven on Earth.

Pittney. Sittney. Dittney. Whitney.” FT is shouting variations of my name through the air in a chant. Who would’ve thought my name could be so much … fun? So I nod my head, “ahmm” just letting him enjoy the silliness and be a kid, that’s ever so healthy you know.


Now, what came out of his mouth was most definitely not Shintey but it was ever so close. But for all intensive purposes, it shall be Shintey. And did it knock the girl off her feet? Without a doubt, and I was coughing something terrible because that sudden intake of Fresh Country Air went down the wrong way.

You know that ridiculous feeling you get when you realize you’re smiling and horrified all at the same time. Smiling over something that shouldn’t be funny, but it’s so unexpected you can’t really wrap your mind around it? That was me for a solid five minutes.

FT!” Pulling myself together, I attempted to look ever so serious. “Don’t call me that.”

He threw his head back and laughed, “But whyyyyyy, Miss Shintey?!”

Finally, when the girl had reached the end of her rope, she decided she would ignore the grinning child until he got his little man act together. It didn’t last too long, lucky for Miss Brittany too! And then I scooted them off into the house to take baths and get all cleaned up for Mommy & Daddy.

As the girls were splashing around the tub, FT comes in and leans against the door. “Miss Shintey, that name is really really long like your other name. I think I’m gonna have to call you something else, ok?”

Yes!” I said, smiling up at him from where I knelt on the floor. My shirt was splattered with bits of water and my hair was falling over one eye. “I think that’s an awesome idea, FT.”

I should’ve known by the glimmer in his eye. I really should have …

I’m just gonna call you Shint, okay?” While his look was one of almost innocence and absolute seriousness, the babysitter just about fell into the tub.

FT!!!!!!” Ah, the joys of little people and all those crazy adventures they give me. I wouldn’t trade it for the whole world, though. I wouldn’t.


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