Tuesday, March 20, 2012

John Toms Make Me Happy.

Today in the midst of my work day, I sat down at the computer, and then I . . .
~ squeal. ~

I share: because I suddenly realized you might not have any idea I am so in love with Toms that its almost unforgiveable. But I've waited for ages and ages ... okay, honestly it's only been like five months which isn't ridiculously long but finally, FINALLY! My shoes is in the mail and I'm doing this little happy dance, smilin' like my face is gonna fall off or something.

I don't know. But. I'm. just. happy!

And of course, I thank my Mother.
I thank my Father. And my insanely sweet sister:

It was one of the absolute BEST Birthday presents I've ever had because I will live in them and take them with me every place imaginable. And I have the funniest feeling I'll be watching the mail for the next five days in unimaginable excitement and anticipation. I'll remind my family of the years when I was young and dancing around the Christmas tree all 25 days of December.

Ah, I should probably stop my gushing now. Yeah, probably.

But Johnna and Jay have no idea what I was talking about so finally, I showed them a picture and Jay said, "Oh! I've actually never heard of them before. Are they THE THING now days?"

We girls, well we coughed. "Uh yeah! Everybody's wearing them, but the big thing is that they're super comfy."

"Super comfy?" Don't worry, he's slowly coming around to my odd choice of words and everything. He's beginning to expect it, I think. Occasionally though, I trip him up. "Comfy huh?"

And tonight, we're sitting there Joshy and I. Suddenly I remember my shoes, and tell Kenna that I finally got the chance to order them. Josh sits up, "Shoes? What shoes? ... oh! Those Johns."

"Johns? No boy, Toms." I laugh and kiss his forehead. He shakes his head and tells me no, they're definitely Johns. Not Toms. He makes me laugh.

 So yes, my shoes -- "John Toms" -- are coming and the girl is happy.

The end.

* Happy Sigh *


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