Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nearly Invisible: the Infomercial

How most blog posts begin ... out of an
abundance of random words and occasionally,
an overdose of boredom. Thus, a pad of paper
sitting atop my lecture notes. Gotta love it.
Just as the stars began to fade into the darkened blanket of morning sky, I glanced one more time over the packet my boss had given me last week. In a matter of hours I would be in Williamsburg with my boss and two of the girls from our office.

Occasion? An Invisalign Conference. Basically, its something innovative and new we're bringing to our patients and well, knowing what we're doing is a pretty awesome idea. Rocket Science, this being prepared. Hah!

Eventually, we all find one another amidst the gorgeous brick buildings and foggy-eyed tourists out for a morning jog. We settle into chairs that are thankfully, quite comfortable and wait for speaker to begin ... All the while, the girl's brain is running wild. Because she's a people watcher, and everything.

° Women really cant go the bathroom by themselves. Seriously. Halfway through the lecture they all started popping up in groups of two. I really have no idea about this. But found it smile-worthy to say the least.

° Among the snapping of soda cans and crinkling of pretzel bags, I couldnt help but glance at my sugar-conscious boss. I swear I saw him cringe. Whats wrong with these people?? Flaunting their junk food and sugary beverages like that. My soul. * wink *

° With each passing moment that Dr. B lost my attention with repetitious portions of lecture, I couldnt help but feel like it was one big infomercial. Which, is totally cool yes but the feelings that proceed not so much. Every few minutes, people from the room next to us would errupt in gut busting laughter ... Johnna and I felt horribly cheated;  like kids that had to sit inside at recess.

° By 11:40, everyone is so very chocked full of liquid energy and induced happiness. By the way ~ LEGIT coffee gives your blood a boost. While decaf coffee settles in all the joints you didnt move for three plus hours. We discovered this hard way.

° Speaker is rambling again, must focus ... He suggests using new putty and wash for taking imressions instead of that yucky stuck that resembles cream cheese * shivers * Really?! Can you put that on our wish list, boss man?
Irish Tea + Lemon: The Best Tea Ever!
I owe huge debts of gratitude to the three cups of
delicious hot tea that kept me going all day. amen.
Dont fall on floor, we love our job so much we have a wishlist of things to make it twice as fun. Including a scanner that cost $40-grand/smoothe money. We asked boss pretty please??? To which he looked at us like a bunch of nutcases. So much for that, I guess.

{ too much chatter for one post, naturally. Shall be continued ... }


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