Thursday, June 21, 2012

On a Whim 'Cause That's How We Roll

Second day of Summer rolled around ... Twas ten o'clock and already ridiculously hot. The sound of tiny-sized men pushing lego people across a carpet battlefield upstairs broke into the girl's quiet thoughts as she wondered what to do with her unoffical day off.

''You're always gone, Bwit." Joshy had mumbled sleepily into my pillow the other morning. "You work too much."

"Hey guys??" I waited a moment for a response. Suddenly an idea unfolded in my mind and I smiled. "Do you want to go to the Fork Union Pharmacy?"

Now, I have to stop for a second here and explain that FUP isnt just a pharmacy. Its a gift shop. A toy shop. And A candy shop with everything thrown all together so everybody's happy. Which means, Sissy and Nane can look around while the boys and Abigail can tinker around to heart's content at the same time. Not too shabby a deal. * smile *

They were of course thrilled to be able to get out and go somewhere, so they piled into the backseat of my car and chattered THE WHOLE way.

I let them pick out some candy for something special and the lady ended up giving it to them for .63 cents. Apparently, there are still gem-my people in this world!

Afterwards we drove to the Lake and got Subway for lunch. Happy factor only grew, let me tell you. To the boys, Subway Pizza is the world's BESTest pizza ever and whenever they can have it, they are entirely psyched.

Sometimes they arent in a pepperoni mood, so today Big Sissy had to ask. Sam said, "Um, I just want plain cheese pizza. With pepperonis on it."

... as if he ever ate any other kind, right? * wink *

Joshy piped up, "Oh yeaaah! Me too. Just cheese ... With pepperoni."

Lunch was a lot of fun. I was really glad we got to do it randomly, just for fun.

Then as if they werent pumped enough going to Subway, we went to Dunkin Donuts. Aka, their most favorite place on earth.

I've never seen such talent, chattering away around mouthfuls of sugary | chocolatey donuts like that. * smiles *

Highlight of MY day? Oh thats an easy one. It'd probably be when a big cup of Ice coooold Sweet SWEET tea dumped in my lap on the way home. Twas quite the surprise and yet, entirely awesome. Car went from chattery to dead silent in three seconds before we all errupted in laughter.

But um, what's so cotton pickin' funny 'bout tea spilling in the car? you ask. Not a thing, Jack. Not a thing ... Cept we bonded and this is jusy dandy. * smiles *


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