Saturday, June 2, 2012

Today, Jesus.

I've recently been reading a book called Grace. Grace to move beyond the imperfection of Life, embrace honesty and really just give God everything you've got; not so much possessions but attitudes and your thought process!

You know how it is when those simple statements just blind-side you and that little lightbulb goes off; all you can do is sit there for a second in awe and revelation?

I had one of those moments tonight, and really it all boiled down to letting God work through you. Not just having the mindset of well, Im a Christian and this is what we do or people expect this of me because of who I am ...

Two words: ready?

Today, Jesus.

Today, Jesus hums while washing the dishes and cleaning the house.

Today, Jesus wears scrubs and comforts people. Smiles with heartfelt kindess and love for a perfect stranger.

Today, Jesus puts on a shirt and tie and leads the singing at church. Shakes the hand of a visitor and makes them feel welcome.

Today, Jesus wears a suit and holds a business meeting. Not rushing from one appointment to the next without considering those around hin.

Today, Jesus wears a smile and makes the bed.

Today, Jesus laces up his work boots and clocks in ready to do a good job.

Today, Jesus lets someone with less groceries cut in line.

Today, Jesus asks how the lady at the register is when paying for his gas.

... Okay, you might not quite get the gist of all that just yet. But what its talking about is Colossians 3:17 ~ all we do being done to God's glory, not just in name/word.

Christ really lives inside us! What we do is a window into our hearts, showing the world how much of an impact He has in our lives.

I dont know if I'm making sense because the lightbulb affect doesnt hit everybody the same way, but it just hit me like a big * Hello, Silly Girl! Are YOU doing the shining or is Jesus? *


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Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift