Friday, December 23, 2011

Be Anxious For Nothing

Yesterday, was quite an interesting sort of day ... 
I heard my first alarm, the one that's more of a warning than anything. It goes off 45 minutes before I'm supposed to wake up, just so I feel as though I've slept in of sorts. Apparently, it was too much of a warning for me because the next thing I know my daddy is shaking me awake, asking me if I'm supposed to go to work.
The light above me was oh-so-bright and I'd rather not have moved just yet. But I flipped my phone to see the time and knew lingering was sure to push it, I had to locate my scrubs in amidst the craziness of rearranging my room and get to the office.

I mumbled something unintelligable to him as he went upstairs. I couldn't even remember what I'd wanted to say when I thought about it two minutes later. It was ridiculous I thought, as I dropped a few pebbles into Bentley's bowl. Being rushed wasn' something I enjoyed, yesterday was no exception.
The morning dragged by, the appointments held nothing of interest. Mainly adjusting dentures and small things like that. So on my lunch break, I headed to the library in hopes of unwinding and downing some coffee. There I sat, the office chair ridiculously comfortable; so comfortable in fact that I wanted to take a nap.

Behind me, there was a little fella sitting at the desk scrolling down Justin Bieber's official web page and whisper-singing the words to every JB song pounding through his earbuds. IF I were -- which I am not -- a fan of the suavy punk kid with a handful of piercings and a boatload of popularity, I'd say the kid behind me is pretty good. Even for whisper-singing ... but I will save the world from another Justin Bieber child, and not tell him what I was thinking as I tapped away at the keys.

There was a forty-ish something woman adjacent to me, and between her fast tap-tapping and Justin Bieber breaking it down in the background, my heart was racing to catch up. I felt as though I were in some sort of race against these people, hurrying to keep up.
The afternoon sped by with all sorts of scribbling of post-it notes as I tried to prepare for today. Already my heart has been in my throat, but thanks to Johnna and a lot of little orange stickies all over the office, I think that I'll be just fine.
In just a few shorts hours I will be unlocking the dental office, flipping the lights, turning on the compressors and scrambling around to set up for our morning patients. This of course is nothing new, I've been doing it alongside Johnna for a month and a half now? But today, Johnna & Jay begin their 4 day holiday vacation, which leaves me to assist Dr. Stephen, filling my heart with ridiculous amounts of nervous anticipation.
I'm confident  semi-comfortable with the day before me. I've had my training, and Johnna's done a really amazing job answering all my questions and showing me how things are supposed to go. But still, I'm nervous. 
I'm overthinking this, I've almost convinced myself.
But the big thing is ... I've never met Dr. Stephen. I have no idea what he looks like or how he talks, or works or what he calls various instruments and bonds. I just don't know ... the fact that fifteen minutes after meeting him I'll be working knee to knee with him is really the only thing that I'm anxious about.
Then again! The verse from Philippians 4:6 comes to mind, "Be anxious for NOTHING! But in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God!"
That just gives me immense peace, and I'll definitely be keeping that in mind today as I work. I hope you all have a wonderful day and know that everything no matter what it is that God is in control!  * smiles *


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