Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Crafty Weekend

Dark Shadows paint the walls. The air is chilly, and voices fade in and out of existence. I'm hiding this time. The old church nursery is out of the way and very much inhabited at the moment, and the girl is feeling slightly reclusive. It's more out of necessity than anything, really ... my hiding.

There are a handful of tiny people across the hall, mostly little boys. And I'm catching the most random bits of their interesting & delightfully engaging conversation. But for now, I just want to finish up a few things since I got here early.

Yesterday we had our big lawdy-daw {aka. Craft Fair} down in Scottsville. The girl threw her sleepy self together, and carried armloads of craftiness out to the car. There were baskets of Fudge and Brownies | Monogrammed Wall Art | Christmas Tree Skirts | Jewelry | and everything got tucked into any empty spaces in the back of my car including an old chair just for props. * smiles *

Halfway there, I remembered half a dozen other things I should've packed but alas when the girl glanced at her watch, there simply wasn't time. So it was down to the Firehouse I trotted, dragging along my assortment of goodies and a prayer in my heart to have ridiculous amounts of fun and profit.

Michael came jogging across the pavement, his breath a frosty cloud in the chilly December air. He greeted me with a big wide grin and offered to help us girls carry our things down to the bays already filled with Crafty people and tables all crowding one another.

From ten to two we had a steady stream of people. I lost count of the jars of Jelly & Spicy Apple Butter we sold. I watched in fascination as two large round trays of Fresh Hot Apple Cider Donuts disappeared before my eyes.

Basically, we owe our thanks in a very big way to Sid down at the Fire House. He stopped by to chat with us for a few minutes, sampled our donuts and then walked around bragging on our table and that is how it came to be that the donuts vanished, and just about everything else that was edible too. * winks *

The man's style went something like, "Oh hey Marty! How ya doing fella? Yeah, yeah ... get you some of them donuts 'n things right there. Made with real Fluvanna water ..." and so forth. It cracked us up all afternoon. We teased him and told him we'd give him a commission when we were through!

Finally, we packed up what remained of our table and unceremoniously stowed them away in the trunk of my car. I didn't want to see another Craft Fair for quite awhile. There's something fun, yet incredibly exhausting about standing around selling things all day long, and keeping up a steady converstation with half a dozen fireman and townfolk you recognize from somewhere you can't put your finger on.

The girls and I fell asleep in the living room when we got home, and the next thing I knew my alarm was going off and Momma was calling to me from her room. Was it truly four-thirty already? I sat up and peered down at my phone. Ten minutes later, I was out the door again and all bundled up in a sweater and boots ...

"Miss Britnaaay! Miss Britnaaaay!"

I could hear the little girl screams of delight before I stepped out of my car. Diana bounced up and down on the sidewalk in her socks and a festive little dress, her sparkly Disney Princess jewelry bouncing with every move. I smiled, knowing I was in for a lot of fun | Mario Kart | Popcorn and some random Disney Movie no doubt. Usually, it's Tangled or something Barbie.

We ended up making Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches | Watching The Grinch which the girl had yet to watch this year as she's been TV-deprived ... she hadn't missed it until Christmas, btw | eating Popcorn as we played Mario Kart | played Simon Says Jumping Jack style {and no, this doesn't wear the little miss out, only the baby-sitter!} | and listened to Christmas music as she fell asleep tucked away in her nice cozey bed with the red Reindeer flannel blankie on top.

~ Happy December, Everyone! ~

Don't forget, it's about the giving. Not the taking. Find someone in need and do everything in your power to make this a wonderful, memorable Christmas for them. Keep in mind, it isn't about the presents, or the tree or that big to-do list glaring at you every morning when you wake up. Enjoy the giving, the sharing, the laughter, the memory making, and the Love!


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