Friday, January 20, 2012

Modern Day Mayberry

I shivered against the early morning cold. It's the middle of January, yet we had only had a light snowfall so far. The sky looked grey and cloudy, it even smelled like snow today ...

No sooner had I climbed into my car, the phone rang. "Hey Brittany, it's Jay. How are you?"

"Great, how are you?" My voice sounded less than peppy, barely alert. My breakfast of hot Tea and Toast hadn't done much for me this morning.

"Good. Hey listen, there was an incident this morning," I heard him sigh, and I wracked my brain for what might've happened. I could think of nothing, he continued. "A car was stolen and they've gotten as far as Palmyra ... the police have dogs and everything covering the area but they asked everybody just to hunker down."

"Oh, really?" I shifted gears. This would make for an interesting work day for sure.

"So if you get to the office before I do make sure you lock the doors behind you. If it's open when you get there, don't go inside just call the police."

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled the keys from my coat pocket. I tried the door once and when it didn't give I breathed a sigh of relief. The office was quiet when I stepped inside, something somewhere beeped. Our server would be down again, I guessed.

Still feeling the need to be cautious, dramatic visions of men crouching in the lab danced through my head. Laying my bag on the high counter, I took my keys and walked the length of the hall, my Dansko's thudding solidly against the old refinished hardwood floors.

As I walked, I flipped on every light within my reach. It was cold and univiting still, soon Frances and Tara would be here before I knew it and our day would go down with a flair of excitement no doubt.

And just like that, Jay breezed through the building in his typical morning style. He greeted us with a "G'Mornin'" like always as he made his way back to his office. Two minutes later, he reappeared. This time he wore scrubs, he was shaking his head.

"I tell you what." He was doing it again, using one of those Finn expressions. He looked like his son all grown up. It sometimes makes us smile. Big hand gestures and all smiles, just like Finn. "There must've been six to eight cop cars in my driveway when I left this morning. Man, it was crazy."

"Six, Jay? Why were all them cop cars at your house?" Tara leaned against the doorframe, her eyes wide. Apparently, the guys that had stolen the car had only gotten as far as Jay's driveway on their blown-out tire and had taken off down the woods. The police suspected they were armed ... We listened in fascination, such excitement for a tiny town like ours.

"Yeah, they came banging on the door seven o'clock this morning. Shining those big lights all around our porch, 'State Police! State Police' . Man, It was just crazy."

And that is how our day began, and it is only just begining to wind down to a close. We haven't heard yet if they've caught the guys but everybody up and down the road were standing around in the parking lots and in their front yards talking about it. So much for hunkering down I suppose. * winks *

These are the days when it feels like I'm living in a Modern Day Mayberry. Even the small things are exciting, keep everybody abuzz. Everybody knows everybody and everything ...

But really, it was a great day. Johnna didn't come in yesterday or today ... I think she must have more Faith in me than I have in myself. So when I stumbled upon something I didn't know, or doubted, I trekked down the hall to Jay's office and asked him a hundred and some questions I know. Thank goodness, we all work as a team and everyone's so very patient with one another.

I have to admit, I wasn't sure about this whole day. But I prayed constantly, in between patients and while I was assisting. It was a really, really good day. And there's a chance we'll get some sort of mix tonight, so I'll be * hunkering down * next to the woodstove all weekend with a stack of books. Hmm, doesn't that just sound like an amazing idea?

Enjoy your weekend! And try to stay warm and cozy if you can.


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