Monday, January 16, 2012

Six Minutes after Twelve on a Sunday Afternoon ...

An uninviting cold did nothing to motivate me out of bed. My phone vibrated noisily, endlessly against the metal of my side table. I felt blindly around until my fingers wrapped around its plastic body then finally opened my eyes. It was Sunday, I had no alarm.

"Hey Buddy," I said, jumping out of bed and leaning into the cold window. I yawned sleepily, but the adrenaline was already pumping. Seven AM calls on a Sunday morning were never something I anticipated. Michael's voice was shaky and low on the other end, I swallowed as I listened to him. He was asking me what I was up to ... Crazy boy, I smiled. I rubbed my eyes, willing wakefulness into them. "I just woke up, how about you?"

He coughed once, and I chanced a look out into the cold gray morning. I had every intention of layering to the nines, the thought of freezing to and from church didn't appeal to me.

"Victoria's in the hospital." My heart slammed into my chest. The three seconds it took him to catch his breath left me wondering if I should be glad or worried. "She's having the baby, but everything's going good. I'm so excited!"

I have always deeply appreciated the way Michael tells me things, important or not. I never know up from down until I've gotten him to explain himself. Sometimes, it even makes me smile. And this day was no exception. But this time, my body trembled slightly with excitement.

Today was the day! I pictured myself writing * Welcome Baby M into the world! * in my New Year's Planner just four days ago. I had sat there in flannel pjs and a cup of Vanilla Tea, day dreaming. She was sure to be a beautiful baby, yes. Adored and spoiled, that too.

And here she was, three weeks early too! When I hung up the phone, my hands shook. I couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to go to the hospital, I wanted to sit around the waiting room waiting for her to make her first appearance. Instead, I got ready for church in record speed { I don't think I've gotten ready this fast since I was seven, really }.

I played for choir, my hands shook. How was she? Had Baby M arrived? I glanced at the clock ...

Six minutes after church let out, Michael called again. This time, he was freaking out. He sounded like he was smiling around his words. "Seven Pounds, Four Ounces!" was all he said before I let out some sort of squeal.

 { to be continued ... }


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