Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting Around To Doing ...

It's Thursday. Not only is it Thursday, but it's January 12th. As I sit here, I wonder how on earth time has flown by without my even realizing it ...

 It seems like two months ago I was sliding into a booth across from my soon-to-be boss getting interviewed for a job at Chick-fil-A. Looking in the mirror at that uniform, and thinking Oh my lanta, no.

I was staring another semester of college in the face from miles away and loving | hating that I wasn't going back. Signing three years of my life away on a little White Honda that could take me almost anywhere I wanted to go.

Laying on the living room floor letting our puppy-love crawl all over me. Not realizing how fast she would grow up and be the rambunctious little thing she is now, jumping up on my bed and waking me up every morning even before the sun shines through my window.
Snapping pictures of a hundred different little memories I want to keep close to my heart forever. Tying Kinky Blue Polka-Dotted ribbons in my hair, riding in the back of a pickup truck with lots of people I loved. Running down Mainstreet chucking handfuls of Popcicles into the cheering | reaching | screaming | sweaty crowd of 4th of July Parade-goers.

Sitting on a bench overlooking shoppers at the Short-Pump mall, sharing some of the most amazing Ice Cream in the world and an afternoon of laughter with my boyfriend & the girls. Watching him wrestle on the family room floor with the boys and hearing their shouts and laughter mingle together into one big happy sound.

Lying on a blanket under the Summer stars, oohing and ahhing as a thousand colorful sparks split the night sky above me and filled our big Southern hearts with wonder and happiness. Licking the remains of Chocolate from the mixing spoon as I baked brownies with my little men.

Jumping off the porch into the pouring rain, just to let the coolness sink into my skin and drench my clothes. Somehow managing to make a semi-organic supper, while two little girls clung to my skirt and squealed in delight every time I tried to shake free.

Pushing tiny people in a backyard swing until they were breathless | giggly and exhausted. Snuggling on the couch with three and reading books until the toddler pushed the pages out of my hands and begged for a snack. Smiling | praying for peace of mind & sanity when the baby let out a howl from her swing while I was in the midst of getting everyone into Pjs for the night. I loved. * smiles *

Donning Camo before the crack of dawn, pulling on my thick wool socks and slinging a gun over my shoulder. Squinting into the early morning light as I tromped through the woods behind my daddy, his little green light shining into the darkest forest and guiding us to our tree stand.

Staring at my Mother in disbelief as she brings some crazy little memory to life. Can this woman be my mother, this insanely wonderful & funny woman jumping around my living room being silly and making us laugh? Yes. And this I know, I get a good dose of humor from her; a love for living.
Running down the road at a ridiculous, heart racing pace with my sisters. Wondering if my heart will burst into tiny bits, my exhausted body littering the road by my house. Whose idea was this exercising thing anyways? Mine? Ours? Oh yes, my bad. How silly of me to forget. Yes, I loved that too!
Untangling bits of yarn as Abby learned to knit. All the laughs and tangled messes we managed to get ourselves into. And yet, she makes me so proud.

Thinking I could possibly die of frostbite with a handful of other people as I climbed Crabtree Falls with our youth group in the dead of winter. Pulling Peter's Dallas Cowboys Knit Hat over my head with fierce determination and hating myself for loving the fresh air | the view | the sunshine | the bonding.
Oh my goodness, there was just so much more packed into my year. I loved it immensely | intensely | insanely much. And now I'm into January 2012 and I can't really wrap my mind around the fact another year has come and gone.

But am I ready for it? Have I prepared myself for what might lie ahead?

The answer is simple. Yes!

I am SO excited about this year and everything that I will see and do and be. It will be amazing and I'll get to make so many more memories to add to all the wonderful ones I've already had. And really, I can't wait to share it with you!

I hope that as you look back on last year, and look ahead to this new one you will be encouraged | delighted | and overjoyed at all the possibilites that await YOU! * hearts *


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Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift