Monday, January 16, 2012

Six Minutes After Twelve ... Part II

I pulled Ugg boots over my striped socks in a hurry, the clock was ticking. My heart raced against the seconds hand, but to the world I was composed, calm even. The little guys followed me up the steps and walked in circles around the kitchen, making the big loop through our living room. They peppered me with questions, directions ...

"Tell Victoria hi for me," Abigail said, shoving her hands into the pockets of her denim skirt. She was growing up, I could tell she would've gone with me if she'd been old enough. Instead, she leaned against the counter watching me as I dug my keys from the bottom of my bag. "And take lots of pictures of the baby."

Nodding my head I promised I would do my best, then grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Joshua thundered through the hall with the lightning speed of the seven year old little boy he was, "Wait Brit! Kisses." We crouched low by the vintage Singer that stood a short distance from the front door, he threw his arms around my neck. I realized he was getting taller every day. Such a little man.

Thirty minutes later, I drove in circles around our new hospital. It looked more like some sort of resort rather than a hospital. Such a nice place for a baby to be born, I thought as I finally parked in the garage that towered overhead, and waited a handful of seconds for the sparkling glass doors to slide open.

Three nurses directed me down a series of halls, long and short. I paused momentarily to match the room number to the bright yellow piece of paper in my hand. The nurse had scribbled four numbers on it before pointing me down the first hall where a little boy played a baby grand piano so beautiful & simple it warmed my heart.

I knocked three times gently on the thick door, it was cracked slightly and I saw Chase coming towards me. He smiled, "Hey! Did you see our baby?"

I smiled back, and moved past him. I explained the little maze it had been to make it just to their room, but I would love to go see her in a minute. The man beamed proudly, I swear he was glowing. Victoria was beaming, she wrapped her arms around me in a sweet happy hug.

Several minutes later, I stared at a tiny little bundle of goodness through inches of glass and a handful of nurses checking on the infants, making their rounds quietly. My breath caught in my throat, it felt funny to speak. "Chase ... she's so beautiful."

I was in awe, simple as that. She was perfect, with a crop of fuzzy dark hair and wriggly little body. She wimpered, we saw her wave her balled fists in the air. Her daddy sighed a long deep sigh, he sounded happy and content. It warmed my heart ...

You'll be hearing lots more about her, there is no doubt. She's a tiny bundle of Sweetness and in fact I'm going back to the hospital in a little bit to see her again. I'm so thankful that everything went so well, she's healthy. Mommy and Daddy are getting what little sleep they can and not really minding terribly much. Hopefully, I will be able to post some pictures for you soon ...

Until then, have a Wonderful Monday afternoon!


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