Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sticky Glue & Some Paint Too.

The other day, I woke up feeling like I could do a lot of really productive things . . . starting with something less exciting like taking care of some laundry. But soon all the clothes had either been folded and put in their proper bins { as I've yet to get those organizing drawers for my closet, sigh } or hung by least favorite, to favorite. Which, if you have trouble throwing things out makes things so much easier when you're looking for something. * winks *

{And don't worry, eventually you'll bite the bullet and throw those old clothes out . . .}
So, you're wondering why I've posted pictures of randomness, hmm? Well, I finally finished packing away the rest of my winter things. This is how I came to the conclusion I need more storage boxes like there's no tomorrow; because if there is, I shall soon run out of room!

And of course, ALL that moving around and packing away gave me an extra creative oomph that I needed to tackle some projects I hadn't even thought about.

Starting with some picture frames someone had given me ages ago. Truthfully, I wasn't a fan of them (they were a little too "glitzy" for me), until I paired them with a few vintage candlesticks | an old mirror | and some greenery for my Christmas mantle.

I went to a local craft store and found two shades of paint I liked, turqoise and mocha. It cost about $2.32. I mixed the two until I had just the right shade I was looking for and after a little TLC, I had picture frames that I was seriously loving!

I had some old notecards I had been saving for a "Someday Project" and cut them to fit inside the frames.

And in about 15 minutes, I had two really cute and personalized pieces that invited the Springy Sunshine and warmth into my room. It was just what I needed, and it just kept the inspiration coming too.

I wasn't about to complain about all the stuff I was digging out of boxes, and the glue sticking to my fingers from another project I'd found on one of my absolutely FAVORITE sites: Pinterest .

Like I said, I save what can be salvaged from my Scrapbooking projects so I can reuse them later. It saves me a lot of money, and begs creativity to happen!

So I pulled out the big stack of cardstock | old notecards | a bit of hemp cord | and glitter and set to work . . .

This project took me quite a bit longer than the picture frames but still, I was kind of impressed with the paper chain | garland that I hadn't spent a cent on!
Also, one of my absolute FAVORITE finds would have to be this rub-on wall quote from . . . The Dollar Tree. Can you believe it?!

I got another one from Target a while back and paid $14 for it. But I was browsing the shelves two weeks ago for some things for my Aunt's 65th birthday party and stumbled on this little thing. I snatched it up in an instant because I knew just where I could put it! It would jazz up my mantle even more and it was also a GREAT reminder!


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