Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunshine Rambling.

There’s something about this Sunshine. There’s something about this day. There’s something about the wind in the trees that makes me feel this way. I feel like dancing under the sky, I feel like drinking Chocolate Milk from a glass bottle and soaking up all of this Sunshine.

Today, I feel capable. Capable of creating happiness.

I had nowhere to go, and nothing in particular to do. This is one of the things I absolutely LOVE about Mondays and Tuesdays. There's something exciting about knowing that the day is completely free to cross off  my growing To-Do list. An empty day is permission to add and subtract to said list with reckless abandon. * smiles *

It started off with a steaming cup of my very favorite Raspberry Tea, plain and chocked full of nutritious goodness just the way I love it. For me, it's the best way to start out my day ~ Hot Tea and My Morning Devotions while everybody else is upstairs starting their day. No interruptions.

Today was just so Productive and Sunshiney. My closet got reorganized which always makes me feel much better about Life. Nothing in my room was left untouched, I tell you. And that box full of Craft supplies under my bed . . . How could I have forgotten about all that good stuff from Fabric, and Scrapbooking to Buttons and Paint?

And from there, my To-Do unfolded into Part Bee. But alas, it was lunchtime and I had cards to write and food to consume. By the way, did I mention there were yummy cupcakes from Baby's Shower last night? Okay, so I have this thing about ButterCream Frosting . . .  as in, I prefer whipped frosting to actual frosting any day. But that's beside the point, because after all a cupcake is a cupcake. And sunshine is sunshine.

And cupcakes, and sunshine and productivity all added up to a really awesome day. I could still put on some fun music and dance around my room in my socks if I want to. But I'm brainstorming for ideas to decorate my room for Valentine's Day. Six days ago, I had this vision in my head and promises of posts of Vday crafts but I was out of comission for three of those days and now I'm standing here wondering, Where shall I start?

I haven't any clue, but we shall see. * winks *

I'm rambling, I know. But that's what happens when happiness and sugar explode all in one day. A Dozen Chickens are running about the yard, Joshy is munching on his second PB&J of the day and Mckenna is filling the house with hymns and such as the evening news gives me the low-down on what's been happening around Charly of late. 

P.S. I was just reminded how much I am loved. My littlest man throws his arms around me, his face breaking into a dimpled grin around his beloved little sandwich, and says, "I love you, Bwit."


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