Friday, February 24, 2012

What Do You Want Me To Be?

The other day, Joshua was sitting at his little desk in the corner. For an hour or so he had been busily plucking away at his school work and as Mommy walked past, he grabbed her hand . . .

"Mommy? What do you want me to be when I'm grown up?"

It was the sweetest little question, and it was so very out of the blue, but Mommy didn't miss a beat. She smiled, and smoothed his dusky blonde hair with her hand. "I want you to be whatever God wants for you."

"Well," He tucked his chin in thought, then looked up at Mommy. She was always good at solving his little dilemmas with motherly ease. He knew he'd come to the right person. You could just tell by the way he smiled at her. "I was actually thinking about being a NAVY Seal."

"A Navy Seal?"

He looked at the floor again, contemplating. "Yeah, but . . . I'm not really sure how to go about it."

"You're not sure how to go about it?"

This is typical of alooooot of conversations with my little man. He's just so smart it sometimes blows us away, and all we can think to do is repeat his brilliance. * winks *

"Ahmm." We weren't tripping him up any, that much was obvious. This little boy was focused on one thing. Lips drawn together, his whole life lay before him and he wanted to be a Navy Seal. The world was on his cute tanned shoulders. "I just don't know how to get into the Army."

"The Army?" Mommy was about to give up her mirrored phrases. "Well, it's actually the Navy you have to join. First you have to finish school, and get good grades and training."

"Oh!" Lightbulbs were going off in his blonde haired head. He shrugged, "That's okay, Mom. I'm gonna get all 100's in college!"

Oh duuuuh! Why didn't any of us think of this? :P

Such confidence. Such determination. How can you NOT looooove him? He's my tiny pumpkin love, my strong little man with sweet kisses and long squeazy hugs. He's my yogurt eating, PB&J munching child.

And he has big asperations when he grows up!

I adore that he never lets anything get in his way, or give up on the many dreams he's got tucked away in that imaginative mind of his.


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