Monday, February 13, 2012

We Aren't Together Anymore, Ken & I.

My phone buzzed from the window sill. I finished up what I had been doing and grabbed it about five minutes later. A missed call from an unrecognizable number. Nice.

 I don't know about you, but it's very rare I answer a call I don't know. You get anything from people you used to know, to telemarketers. "Hey Daddy," Moving into the family room, I eyed the phone number again. "Who is two nine three?"

Charlottesville? Okay, well if it was important I'm sure they would call back. So on that note, I tossed my phone in my room and went to finish getting ready for the day. But by the time I'd grabbed a cup of Tea an hour or so later, it was beginning to wear on my nerves.

Most of the time, I'll give it over to my sisters who are more than willing to "do my dirty work" as they call it. But none of them were up for the job today, so I hit the redial button and waited as it rang . . .


The voice was dry and I got the vibe they felt they couldn't be bothered with a phone call. I still had no idea to whom the voice belonged and they weren't going out of their way in the friendly department. I wracked my brain for a list of possible people it might be, and came up empty-handed.

"Hi. I missed a call from this number and I was just returning the call."

"Well, I called a lot of people. Who are you?" Ah, now they were going to speak to me in an accusatory kind of way that made me feel as if I had no business dialing their number and ruining their day. What a woman I tell you. What a woman. Hmmph ...

"Brittany," I paused. If they knew me they wouldn't need a last name, but since they obviously didn't I decided I might as well tack that on too.

"Yeah?" As if I didn't know my own name. "From where?"

"Scottsville." I said, probably a bit testily. But I'm sure there was more questionable comedy in my voice than anything else. These people were playing twenty questions! and it was beginning to feel more like speed dating than just a returned phone call.

"Brittany from Scottsville?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm from Scottsville." How long was she going to keep this up anyways?

"What do you do?!"

What the What?! She wanted to know what I did for a living now too? This was simply too much for the girl to give away to a complete strangers with a sour-milk attitude. "I return calls I miss."

"Ohhh. You live with Ken." There was a bit of recognition in her voice now, like she was slowly realizing who I was. Only, I wasn't the girl that lived with Ken. She was way off the chart on this thing, and she didn't even know it.

"No Ma'am. I don't live with Ken."

"Do you know Sue?" The woman sounded slightly irritated when I said I didn't know Sue, assuming all the Sue's I knew weren't any of the Sue's she did. "Are you SURE you don't live with Ken anymore?"

I tell you it was all I could do not to crack up. I almost said, Well we broke up, Sweetie. But I decided against carrying on this little charade any longer, even though she was annoying the dickens out of me and cracking me up all at the same time! " Uhh, No Ma'am. I definitely don't live with Ken."

"Well why'd you call me then?!" Her voice cracked. Oh ladeeee ...

"I was just returning your call from this morning, Ma'am."

"Well I don't think I called you. I don't even know you. You don't even know Sue!" The woman's voice was getting louder, as if it was a terrible crime to no longer be living with Ken and not know Sue of all people.

"I'm sorry, have a nice day then."

"Uhuh. G'bye." The phone snapped into silence, and I pulled it away from my ear. What a very. very. very. weird conversation.

This is why I only dial numbers I know almost backwards and forwards, so I don't give people grief and annoy the world out of people. But still, I find it kind of commical!

Happy Monday, everybody! I hope you started it with a handful of smiles and end it even better. * smiles *


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