Monday, December 13, 2010

First day of Finals

My roommates and I stayed up until midnight. Papers were scattered all over the room and it looked like 5 year olds had torn the place apart. We ate chocolate and drank spark.

We compared notes, and fell asleep one by one. Hours later as some sort of wet stuff -- whether snow, rain or sleet we'll never know -- tapped against our windowpane and air unit, we sleepily crawled, scooted and rolled out of bed.

I glanced at the clock an hour after crawling out of bed, and randomly decided to go to breakfast for the third time since the beginning of semester. The moment I opened the door, a big old gust of icy air hit me in the face with unbelievable force. It took my breath away. I contemplated not going to breakfast after all, but the thought of hot breakfast sounded like a pretty good idea.

I studied for a few hours, cleaned up our little room and drank another spark. Did I mention I sort of, kind of, maybe like that stuff a little bit? I tried it for the first time last night. It's supposed to give you mental focus rather than energy and I thought, Hey why not?

Heart races. Brain registers a new funny kind of feelings. You're suddenly reminded of grape Koolaide from when you were a kid, etc.Yeah.

So I sat in the middle of my room, downing spark and writing like mad. I have no idea how much info I was really retaining in my multi-tasking state of being, but I wasn't lounging around in my Pj's that's for sure. Note: at 6am, I'm typically curled up with my blanket begging time to stand still. So this was really progress.

By the time I braved the cold once again, I still had no clue how I would do on this whole Theology final. I prayed | I glanced at my notes feverishly reading every little thing I could cram in | I checked the clock counting down to mere minutes | I took a deep breath.

I finished my final. I walked out of class, sighing with relief to check one off my list. It felt good, regardless of the grade I would make. I think I did alright. And so long as it was my best, I know the Lord is pleased. :)


Caleb said...

Hmmm... Spark? Never heard of it. Have to give it a try!

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