Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nothing Profound

  • Joshy slipped down the stairs, landed on a pencil and ended up with lead in his foot. I discovered further proof my calling is not to be a nurse, when he came limping | alternating between huffing & "ouch" telling me I had to fix it. Unbeknownst to me, pencil wounds really do bleed. Unbeknownst to me, Joshy thinks I work miracles.

  • When I got up this morning, I was thinking to myself how awesome it would be if it rained on my day off. And then, on my way to town the sky broke forth in cold wetness and my day was made. I thought it was really nice of God to make it rain today.

  • There were alot of people at the DMV in PJ pants. One, I wanted to know why? And secondly, what's that lady got against me smiling for my picture? I like to smile, and it just so happens that if I am pulled over, I'll either be crying or smiling like an idiot. Unfortunately, I'm not doing either one in my license so how is that beneficial?

  • I realized today that I have ever so slowly become a fan of classical music. I don't know how I stumbled upon the wonder of heart racing violins, cellos and pianos. But somehow I did. It's only acceptable when I'm in my room though, just enjoying the feeling of nothingness and peace.

  • There's a familiar smell in our house that's driving me crazy. It's something I should know, but I don't just yet. It's on the tip of my remembrance, and then it's gone.

  • I just love a good dose of happiness, don't you? And positive thinking, besides.

  • Tonight, I shed so many tears and laughed until my stomach hurt. It all started when I went to the Garden Alone, when the dew was still on the roses, when Elaina hit record & some guy in Sunglasses sat down at the piano and started to sing ... good times. * many winks *

  • Sometimes, words & hugs make good Heart Band-Aids.

  • Joshy throws his arms around my neck. "What did you just eat, Brit?" I think for a minute. "Um, Strawberry Shortcake cereal. Why?" The boy grins from ear to ear, "I like your breath. It smells yummy." I laugh bunches. Funny kid, I sure do love him.


Caleb said...

Just one second... What video do you have of that?????! Is it of someone else?

Oh... and yeah, I tried smiling for the picture at the DMV and the woman behind the counter told me to put my lips together!! It looks like a mug shot!!!

Brittany said...

Thanks! And yeah, I wasn't going to mention any names but you sort of maybe blew your cover. ;)

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