Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nothing Profound

  • Somebody from Champagne, Indiana hacked into my facebook at 5am this morning. Who wants my facebook account at such ungodly hours? I didn't even know there was such a place as Champagne, Indiana.

  • Due to some pretty crazy wind, half of Charly lost power this afternoon. I was ringing up a customer when the lights flickered. We ignored it, supposing that all would be well. Ten minutes later, the power was out completely. Nothing worked and thus, our chicken loving customers grabbed their food and left. We began to close up the store, washing dishes and keeping visits to the walk-in freezers to a bare minimum. All was fine and dandy until the power came back on almost an hour and a half later when we had finished. Business was pure craziness after that -- hungry peoples came in search of yumminess and good times.

  • I don't feel as human as I should just now. Eating rabbit food all day is the epitome of eternal hunger & starvation. * sigh *

  • Some little boy in drive thru asked his dad to tell me he thought I was beautiful. That made me smile, cause the kid was absolutely adorable. He said, "Can we come back someday and be friends?" I told him that sounded like a nice idea, and he grinned from ear to ear.

  • My favorite question of the day: "So if I won the lottery, would you marry me?" To which I replied, "What do you think?" And thus he said, "Yes?" To which I said, "Not so, Joe." My coworkers make me laugh.

  • Eventually, I will get a bruise on my side from all the tapping & nudging. Communication is a strange and funny thing between headset and register. I mean really, is it so very difficult to push mute and communicate with me? * smile and wave, boys. smile and wave. *

  • "Ah! The world." I ask, "What's wrong with the world, Brian?" He says "It patronizes me." I have yet to understand this ...

  • I met a modern day Gone with the Wind's Prissy tonight. I swear she must've been related to Butterfly McQueen somewhere down the line.  

  • Marischino Cherries smell so much better than they taste. I learned this the hard way. * bleck *


Brian said...

Do you speaketh of me? If so, here is your answer.

I dislike my older sister's boyfriend always calling me boss, even though he doesn't work for me. or killer, even though I tried my best to save that man's life.
It seems as if anyone who thinks of you as a younger person, always wants to patronize you.
I don't know, maybe I just use that word because I know the definition and it just sounds like a good word to explain how much I dislike being talked down to.

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