Sunday, October 30, 2011

From One Thing To The Next

I opened my eyes as bits of sunshine filtered through the curtains. It was just barely light out and the window was fogged; a result of the slushy downpour the night before. It was Saturday, and I'd been waiting a whole week for this day ... for no reason in particular than for the fact that yet another week had drawn to a close.

Joshy pushed the door open to my sister's room where I had slept, and jumped across the bed full of smiles. "Brit. Brit, it's in the morning time and Mommy wants you up."

Rolling over, I smiled sleepily. "No no, Joshy. Momma just means for me to open my eyes and start thinking about waking up." But he would have none of it, even a few minutes later when Mckenna chimed in with a yawn, "Yeah, she doesn't mean for us to get up just yet. Like thirty minutes or something."

And thus, he pulled his sissies from their nice warm, cozy bed and into the kitchen to make him some breffacts ... better known as Breakfast. But around here, its whatever suits your fancy and Breffacts suit me & mine just fine. Don't ask me how or why, 'cause I really couldn't begin to tell you the long and short of it. * smiles *

From there, we all ended up in various parts of the house. Not only was it Saturday but we were also expecting company. Well, company of sorts that is. The Cajiuats are more family friends than guests really, but we cleaned house just the same. Much to our slumbered chagrin for the earlier half of the to-do list. Somehow, I just can't really cope with the sound of a vacuum while I'm all snuggled up in my PJ's. It's unnatural, too chipperish for the girl's semi-nightowl-ish tastes.

But by mid-morning, all was well in the girl's house-hold once more.

I'm dog-sitting unofficially this weekend for a couple at the Lakehouse which happens to be super-insanely rustic and gorgeous. So I grabbed my sister and we headed out to give Dallas & Precious { the fluffy creatures } some puppy-love. As I bent over to fill their bowls with food, my phone vibrated from my back pocket. It was mommy, she needed a handful of things from the grocery store on our way home. No problemo? Yes, no problemo.

Laney and I must've walked around the same four aisles half a dozen times looking for a large can of Sweet Potatoes. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on our side for this particular shopping trip. I dropped my bag into the basket that Laney was patiently pushing around beside me. "Just stay here, I'll go look somewhere else."

Lana smirked. I think it was on our third go-round that we had begun to both feel rather idiotic. Not to mention we kept running into the same few people, who in turn kept running around the aisle looking for things too. Apparently, we were all having issues today ... but me? Well, the girl just blamed it on the weekend. Who wants to grocery shop on Saturday of all times? Half the world is out on this day. By Monday, the world will have somehow dissapeared and gone back into hiding for another few days.

FINALLY ... did I say finally? We made it to the register with our small basket of groceries, tucked them neatly into the car in the pouring rain, filled the car with gas and made it back home in time for lunch. And the Mother of the brood made Pigs N A Blanket and Potatoe Casserole, and the family gathered around the table with a happy sigh. We watched the football game {Virginia Tech vs. Duke} as we ate, and I thought to myself, What a Wonderful World ...

The Cajiuats came, and as everyone mingled and talked, the girl pulled all manner of delicious ingredients from the pantry and made multitudes of muffins until she had the absolute perfectly scrumptious batch to give away. For who doesn't love a good muffin on a cold, rainy day? I've made quite a lot of them lately, trying all sorts of new ones and the family hasn't complained even once. Can you imagine? * winks *

Tonight after supper, everyone went their separate ways around the house once more. A few of us crashed in the living room, talking and laughing and sharing many blonde moments until the phone rang and my cousin's voice on the other end made me smile.

He would come to the Lakehouse with me, so I could check on the furry creatures once more. So we did and just before we made it home, we passed the store and Chocolate goodness called our names so we ran inside, freezing to the sliding doors and into the warmth of the indoors.

So it was with a bowl of Dark Chocolate Mounds | Reese & Reisens that we all sat down in the family room to watch a movie called Lifted. It was about a boy whose dream was to sing, his dad was a soldier in Afganistan. It was good, but the surprising twist you could almost see from the start {the one you hoped wouldn't happen} made it sad. I'd watch it again, pretty much because I do the same thing every time I watch Pearl Harbor.

All in all, it was a crazy busy and enjoyable Saturday ... and I loved it. * smiles *


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