Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not For The Faint Of Heart

I got up this morning later than I had planned on, which left me feeling like I had to rush through half a dozen things to make up for it. I'm sure you've had those lovely little wake-up calls before, hmm?

But I soon decided that the smell of fresh rising bread on the kitchen counter and the sound of rain drops outside the open windows more than made amends for my hurried morning. The munchkins sat around the table working on school work while I finished the bread | washed the breakfast dishes | did some laundry and finished some little projects around the house. It was such a wonderfully productive day, I had massive amounts of energy pushing me to keep on going.

Nothing like taking advantage of that, you know? * smiles *

Momma and Daddy are getting into Richmond late tonight. They've been eating out of their hotel and a handful of restaurants, so we were thinking they'd love to have some homey goodness. You know, all manner of yumminess you can't get when you're away from home for so very long. So the girls and I combined our Susie Homemaking skills and made plans for supper tomorrow night.

Lana and I headed to the grocery store, at which point the girl finally decided she isn't such a fan of shopping and spending money on things that shall be consumed within days of this little shopping trip. Well, come to think of it, I'm not a man of spending money as it is, but I do love my munchkins so I pushed the cart around the store, figuring the total in my head while Lana carefully marked everything off the list.

Chicken was on sale. Whooptie doo ... wait, I hadn't expected that. This made the girl smile as she reached into the freezer and pulled the bag of meat from the top shelf, thinking how glad she was these freezers were shorter than the ones at Wal-Mart. Oh yes, they are. lol

--- According to one of the Wal-Mart employees who stocks the freezer section, "All you gotta do is step up on that little ledge inside the freezer and it's a breeze." Um, really? No thank you? I'd rather not have frozen carrots if I should look like an idiot in the process. Actually, it's not hard but people just like to be helpful down South, ya know. * winks *

So we finally checked everything off the list and when we rang up, I wanted to die of a heart attack. We hadn't taken the time to really plan our trip out so we hadn't even used the countless coupons we'd clipped at home in the course of several hours.

I turned into one of those "difficult people" you sometimes see, as I looked over my receipt while walking out to the car. Two things -- including the chicken -- hadn't rung up right, nearly doubling in price and the girl turned to her innocent little sister and said, "Lana! We gotta go back, they didn't ring it up right." I could almost hear her rolling her eyes behind me.

We waited in line behind 5 guys purchasing lottery tickets, and finally got our money back. It was a relief to know I hadn't spent what I thought I had. All in all, it went well but my sister said, "Oh my goodness, grocery shopping and all these sales things aren't for the faint of heart. That's for sure!"

On the Menu:
  •  Maple Raspberry Glazed Chicken  ~ over Wild Rice
  • Steamed Broccoli & Butter Rolls
  • Caramel Pecan Pumpkin Layer Cake

We're so excited to have Momma & Daddy come home soon. We've really missed them and can't wait to spot them at the airport tonight and smother them in a multitude of hugs and kisses.  * smiles *


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