Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This time last Tuesday afternoon, I was strolling through Wal-Mart checking things off my grocery list. It ranged from Milk & Bread, to Coffee and Hairspray. How in the world could one family use so much in just a short amount of time? I wondered to myself.

Nevertheless, I pushed my basket down the frozen food section in search of some vegetables. And after carefully adding up everything on my list, I suddenly felt a wave of loneliness creep over me. It would be an odd feeling if it weren't easily accounted for by one of my siblings usually being with me. Maybe I needed a pet.

Wait, a pet?

I laughed the very moment this thought popped into my head. What in the world? We had a dozen cluck-clucking chickens | two dogs and an ever growing puppy | two kitties who are quite selfish and loving in nature | and seven fish whom Joshy adores with every part of his little boy heart.

And I wanted a pet? What a crazy, random idea. Unless it was a baby goat | a calf | or something useful and farmy, we definitely didn't need another animal on what was quickly becoming a farm of sorts. I shrugged off the ridiculous feeling and went in search of a small box to send a package to a friend at school. The last thing on my list happened to be kitty-food ...

It was in that moment, I spied the row of well-lit sparkly tanks that lined the back wall. "No," I said to myself. "You're not getting a fish. The girl does not need a pet, much less a fish."

And that was that ... or so the girl thought.

Fifteen minutes later, I was headed for home. "I don't know why on Earth I bought you," I said semi-glumly to the shiny blue-green fish swimming around it's little tupper-ware container beneath my radio.

It was a living thing in my possession, and I hadn't any idea where I would put him. All I knew was that he was a pretty thing to look at, and his name would be Bentley; he would bring me much joy. Or so I hoped, of the feelings in my heart when I watched him swim around in circles.

My sister called, I told her what I'd done.

"You bought a fish." She said dryly. "You really bought another fish?! Like we needed more pets ..." She began to rattle off the twenty-one living things our little semi-farm contained with a laugh. So I told her I had, and I had found the prettiest little blue-green pebbles for his home and how cute it was going to be on my desk; a little piece of Inspiration for the girl.

She thought it was hilarious, and well, I sort of did too. But it's been a week and Bentley does wonders for inspiration, though I've no idea why. He's fun to watch when I'm writing letters or blogging or just anything at my desk. No regrets, just happiness. * smiles *


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