Tuesday, October 25, 2011

School in the Food Court

Wow. It's one of those particular points in the day when everything has suddenly gone from a gentle hum of activity to a blur of excitement and noise. You know that feeling you get when you're walking around the Food Court at the mall, standing there with your food looking for a place to sit ... you can hardly register the empty table in front of you for all the noise.

In a matter of minutes, our kitchen went from homey eating place -- where kids quietly work on their school work -- to a massive chaotic Food Court full of noise and questions and a whir of activity.

Joshy sat beside me, reading his story aloud so I could help him with the hard words. This was all fine and good until Abby slid her Math book in my direction, on top the scarf I'd been knitting only a moment ago.

"Brit, I have NO idea what they want!" She almost whined in frustration, for Math takes years off the best of us sometimes. When we've reached the end of our rope and haven't any idea how to go about solving the problem. Really, it's human.

"Hold on, Abs." I said, nodding to Joshua in response to a question he had about a word. Ah! Dear World, is there nothing sacred anymore? Sissy has two ears to hear you with, yes ... but only one brain to comprehend everything she hears. * winks *

It's times like this when I think I'll go crazy, the experience is just altogether too human and imperfect for my liking. But alas, we split up into little helpers. Mckenna working through a multitude of fractions and decimals, etc with Abigail, Elaina quietly leaning over the back of Sammy's chair to answer his question with a great deal of patience, and it was then that I brought Joshy into the living room and we snuggled on the couch while he read aloud.

Can you beat that? Really, can you? It was a breath of fresh air, no more Food-Courty-ness and all was right in the world once more.

And would you like to know something else? Daddy brag moment here ... cough. ahem.

The filter on my car needs changing, along with some other unfun stuff I haven't much idea about and my daddy went to town today, bought the stuff I'd need and is GOING. TO. DO. IT. HIMSELF ... just for ME! How sweet and amazing is he, hmm? * smiles *


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