Sunday, October 9, 2011

Spots on the Counter

I've been struggling for a week now to get my voice back. It started going out last Saturday afternoon, and I crossed my fingers that I wouldn't lose it completely. After all, I had just dropped Momma & Daddy off at the airport in Richmond and they would be gone for a whole week.

What kind of fill-in-Mother would I be if I couldn't talk | enforce rules | tell them I loved them very much and our parents would be home sooner than we could imagine?

A horrible one. One that relied ever so heavily on her sissy to come in and save the day, enforce the rules and keep things in working order. Ah, Kenna was very much my God-send after losing my voice. Really, she was amazing. To put it ever so simply ... * smiles *

As you might have guessed, a froggie is still residing somewhere between my head and my heart. Matter of the fact, I think it's quite happy living in my throat for what has seemed like an eternity, much to my dispair.

But all was not lost, or even hopeless. Kenna stepped in and saved the day! She took my Sunday school class this morning, and I took back seat as her "helper" though I didn't do much. Two of the little guys began bickering back and forth.

One of them drew a big potatoe in the middle of their picture and wrote the other child's name on it. "Haha! Look, you're nothing but a big potatoe."

The other child didn't think the picture was very desirable, and said "What?! I am not."

I leaned over and asked the first child, "What are you?" in a raspy voice. The child indignantly replied, "I'm a PERSON! What else?"

I smiled, and nodded. "Yeah, and so are they. We should be kind to everyone, like Jesus wants."

First child: "It's no big deal, I don't care."

Mckenna who had silently been helping one of the other children color, snapped to attention. "Would you like it if I said 'Oh look! There's ----- , a big spot of jelly on the counter?"

The child shrugged as they sometimes will, hoping you'll believe they could care less when they really do. "I wouldn't care."

"Well," Mckenna blew a wisp of hair out of her eyes. "I do. Go throw that picture in the trash and think of something nice to draw."

It was a good illustration to use, yes. But the girl could hardly contain the smile that broke forth on her face, she simply couldn't help it. She grabbed her sister when the munchkins weren't looking, as we sometimes will and repeated the little conversation.

Everyone was so very nice and kind after that! I think the next time they make peanut butter and jelly and get something on the counter, they will think of Mckenna's illustration. * smiles *


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