Sunday, April 10, 2011

... All On A Saturday Night

Nothing very exciting to report tonight. In a strange way, that makes me incredibly glad.

  • My Aunt and one of my cousins came over this morning. She and my Momma spent a few hours in the kitchen making a pretty amazing lunch. It was awesome having lots of my family around the kitchen table on a gloomy Saturday afternoon. Brandon | Sammy | & I played Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii. For me, it was the first time but I didn't do half bad ... for a girl, as Sammy later informed me. I'm pretty sure he was trying to be encouraging, because to the 8 year old little guy that sounds like a nice thing to say. * wink *

  • I drove Daddy's pickup again, and kind of liked it. Alright, I really liked it. But I still love my car just as much as I always have, no worries.

  • Worked in Dining Room tonight, which was pretty much a first for me. It's definitely different than working at the mall. Going from 3 trash cans to 9 seems kind of crazy to me, but somehow they're almost always full! And I'm thinking I'm going to end up sore as who knows what or pull a serious pop-eye, considering the dumpster is crazy high and I had to take out quite a lot of trash tonight. Thankfully, Miss Muscles -- winks, if you're reading this -- came along and lent me a hand or two. Not without a lot of insane laughter, and multiple tries I assure you. Who knew trash could be so much fun? * shaking my head. With a smile *

  • I soon discovered that the next time a mother walks up and asks for three balloons for her tinies, I should say no. Well, no in a nice sort of way maybe. It's kind of like ants in the pantry, once one finds a crumb they all start flocking in by tens and thousands. Maybe not THAT bad, but as many trips as I made to the back to get balloons tonight, it sort of began to feel that way. But no worries, the tinies all loved them bunches which of course, made it well worth all the effort.

  • Jake came in tonight, just to change the schedule and bug me for mints. Silly boy, he's a real pill but everybody likes him. I have to admit, dining room was a little more interesting with him walking around rolling mint packages in his hand and telling me about the paper he was supposed to be writing for English on Monday so he wouldn't flunk the class.

  • Katelynn and I made an amazing team closing dining room tonight! It was pretty much a fantastic thing. I'm so thankful for her help, because she was really a big blessing after being overwhelmed at the thought of closing alone on a crazy Saturday night. * smiles *

  • In my short time at Chicky, I have come to the realization that I will only overcome what I do not truly wish to conquer when I am forced to. For example, growing up I've always had the worst cold-sweat sort of fear of anyone dressed up as anything. Yet when I started working at Chick-fil-A, the first kids night we had the cow came up and gave me a hug. Inside, I panicked. But now, the cow doesn't even really bother me. And up until now, I've been terrified of tight spaces and quite the clostrophobic kind of individual ...
Tonight. I cleaned the Play Room.

  • I ever so slowly climbed up the steps which aren't really like steps at all. I was reminded of being five and crawling up and down | in and out of those jungle gyms so fast it would nearly make your head spin. With a deep breath of resignation, I plunged head long into the tunnel. I felt the spaces closing in around me, and suddenly I heard strange noises from somewhere beyond the tunnel. And then a funny voice saying "Hellooo. Hellooo." accompanied by various car noises, and semi-creepy music if you're not a fan of jungle gyms anyway. Number one, I had NO idea our slide talked. And secondly, my body isn't made to do that kind of thing anymore. lol

  • So that's basically, my night in a big old nutshell. I hope wherever you are, whatever you have done with your Saturday, that it was absolutely amazing and wonderful. * smiles *


Matt said...

Hey you did what was my main job when I worked at Chicky. lol I almost always worked dining room. :) And taking out the trash is super fun, cause we always made up games an stuff! ROFL Like with the oil boxes we would see who could kick it into the dumpster from the farthest away an stuff like that! lol ;) You might find this hard to believe, but I DID have to clean the play area pretty much every night for a long time, till the manager realized, 'Oh Matt is pretty big to be crawling up in there!' lol It was fun tho. lol
I hope you have a super-fantastic day! ;)

Brian said...

Don't disrespect the dining room chore! I know you're not, but still. There was one point in time where that was all I did, and then when I went somewhere else, I shortly missed the dining room.

The best part of dining room is that none of the managers disturb you while you're working, or get on your case when they think that you aren't working.

I do miss cleaning the dining room. Actually, I sort of miss working at Chick-Fil-A completely.

I am glad you enjoyed working in dining room though.

Brittany said...

Matthew - That makes me smile. I'm good to just get the trash IN the dumpster, games aside! lol The thought of YOU climbing into the play area is cracking me up so bad right now! How in the world?! :) Yeah, it actually is a lot of fun! I secretly enjoyed it after awhile. Thanks! I hope you have a super-fantastic day too. :)

Brittany said...

Brian - Totally not hating the dining room. It was kind of fun, and yeah definitely a lot nicer without people constantly directing you. But I found anything I really truly dislike yet, so no worries. :)
And the balloon deal was definitely a trip! I kept telling Devante I was going to like balloons again ... someday. He just laughed. lol

Brian said...

The rule of thumb is once you get one balloon out, you might as well get about a bigillion balloons.

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