Friday, April 15, 2011

Here a drunk. There a drunk. Everywhere a drunk. drunk.

So I'm sitting here contemplating just where to begin. Because, it never truly does start straight from the beginning with me. It sort of jumps all over the place in a whirl of mad randomness, and somehow happens to make if you read it just right. * winks *

I tried out some Spanish on Catarino this afternoon when I got to work. It definitely made him smile, so I'm not entirely sure if I actually got it right or not. But he's a good sport about it. I asked him if I got points for making an effort, he grinned and said "Si, Chica. Bueno."

Amanda put me in Dining Room. I smiled and thought "How utterly fantastic of her." So I basically rocked out the dining room to the tune of my own new system, which I pretty much fell in love with. I mean, people can look at it sideways and wonder what the heck I'm doing, but I was all over it. I really love dining room currently ... meaning, I haven't gotten bored of it yet. * smiles *

I'm cleaning the windows, minding my own business and not talking to the world. Just minding my business, ya'll. When this guy speaks up from the next table over. He says, "They got you cleanin' huh?" I nod my head with a smile. "Yes sir, but I like cleaning so that's ok by me." That's the end of things for me. I mean, what else can you say? I'm washing windows, he's eating. There's not much more to be said, right?


I stood there for a good 15 minutes talking to this guy who casually informed me -- as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be -- that he was really just a ladies man, he couldn't help it. That's just the way things were, ya know? I nodded my head, after he explained he'd grown up with four sisters and he was the baby so they were always bringing home girls for him. He cracked me up when he said, "Now, I kept tellin' 'em how I didn't like those really nice tiny girls with the big legs. That just messed a good thing up, ya know?" I really had no idea what to say to that, so I just nodded and tried my darndest to hold back an idiotic grin. I couldn't figure out if it would be wrong to laugh or not, considering.

He went on about how girls were just the best toy God could give a man. And did I know that? I was thinking "Oh my lanta. Are you even kidding me?" but smiling like all was right with the world on the outside. He didn't skip a beat, ya'll. Before he left, he came over to the counter and told me that I had just the nicest smile. "You've got the most stunning smile I've ever seen. You keep smiling, girl. It'll get you so many places it'll make your head spin."

He thanked me for talking to he and his wife, who hadn't ever really said more than a handful of words. She just smiled alot and listened. And they were out the door, leaving me shaking my head. What. the. heck?

No worries though, the guys in the back weren't terribly thrilled after getting me to explain what happened ... Marc stopped right in the middle of his break and was halfway out to the dining room with Jake behind him when they found out the guy had already left.

P.S. This is already pretty long, so I'll sum it all up in another post. * smiles *


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