Friday, April 8, 2011

Just Hummin' to Jeopardy ...

Today was ... hmm. I really don't know, it was just Today.

I haven't yet decided whether it was good or bad. It wasn't quite fantastic, but it wasn't miserable either. So for now, we'll just call it an ordinary day. * smiles *

It started off pretty nice, meaning I got to sleep in which was such a huge blessing because after awhile a girl really does miss her sleep, even if she used to be a night owl. No more night-owl business for me, with the exception of getting home from work late, that is.

The girls and I cleaned two houses, and then I headed to Chicky. The weather was absolutely gorgeous all day and I bemoaned the fact I had to switch my flipflops for tennis shoes. It just doesn't feel right, when the sun is shining | the sun roof is open & you're just not in the mood to stay inside for the rest of the night. Going from shorts to a skirt wasn't terribly fantastic either, but once I clocked in and got put on headset, all was right in my chicky world again.

Dustin and I worked Drive-Thru which ended up being alot of fun, but wasn't without its moments of frustration. People were starting their weekend early apparently, we had a handful of customers pull up that were flying sky high, drunk as skunks. We had two ladies in particular that were all about Dustin. We had quite a job of getting them to leave after handing them their food. They asked us for just about everything under the sun ... forks. spoons. an extra straw. and could they have a bowl of those cute little cherries?

When they FINALLY pulled away, we both reached over to shut the window at the same time. Dustin looked at me, like he sometimes does when we have "fun" customers. "My gosh, man! You'd think it was Friday night."

And then another lady in her mid-forties, maybe early fifties pulled up and dropped some change by accident. I had my back to the window, so I had no idea that she was worrying over the change she'd lost and was asking Dustin to get it. We're both inside, right? It's crazy to just walk outside and grab it off the ground, or even consider having her get out of her car to grab it, etc. So the next thing I know, Dustin's tapping me on the shoulder telling me not to let him drop. I shut my headset off and said "What?" having no idea what on earth he was talking about.

Have you any idea how hard it is to hold on to somebody when they're hanging upside down out the window scrounging around for lost change | the woman in the car is leaning over her window asking "Did you find my quarter too?!" | and you're cracking up? I almost lost my hold on the back of his shirt, and can't begin to imagine the sight we made. It was crazy, definitely.

Later, we had a milkshake crisis when the bottom fell out of one of the milkshakes in the process of spinning it. Cookies and Cream went everywhere, and I truly mean everywhere. Including all over me, even though I was only standing right next to the machine ... a car pulled up and my headset beeped. I hit the button and told them I'd be right back with them. The next thing I know, the guy is humming the tune to Jeopardy. This made me laugh, and make him wait even longer to see if it was the radio or just him. It was definitely just him, which only cracked Dustin and I up even more. That's pretty much a first in drive-thru. * smiles *

But it was a good night, mostly. And thus, the girl is so very tired and has warm thoughts of how amazing a good night's sleep will be.

Goodnight world.


Matt said...

Sounds like you had an interesting day more than anything. ;) Idk about you, but I love cookies and cream. Hmm ;) As far as the whole change thing, that happened to me one time, an I did have to lean out the window to get it! lol ;)

Brittany said...

Cookies & Cream is pretty much my favorite. Especially if you throw in some chocolate, but it's oh so NOT good for you! lol
Did you seriously have to lean out the window?! I bet nobody had to hold on to YOU, considering. ;) lol Would love to have seen that!

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