Thursday, March 17, 2011

Buffering from the Soap Box

I told myself fifty-eleven times today that I would not | should not blog tonight. Because today just happened to be one of those days where you keep trying to think happy thoughts, but so many things overwhelm you at once and push your buttons that your happy-system takes a little more time buffering.

The first and best thing ---

  • I got to sleep in this morning because I didn't go in until 10, which made me so very incredibly thankful!

  • I really messed up today, when instead of thinking of something positive to say when someone really rudely unkindly asked Brian why he had a knife in his back pocket, I said "It's so he can cut someone's throat out!" Brian looked at me, laughing "Why'd you say that?" I'm not even going to lie, ya'll. I'd been dealing with this particular person's attitude all day and I think I finally reached my breaking point. It was a pretty rough day where she was concerned, so I ended up praying quite a lot.

  • My adorable munchkin came to see me tonight which SO made up for my rough day. Daniel came around the corner and when I picked him up, he kissed me on my cheek and said, "I love you, Brittany. Like a whole lot." Right then and there, I wanted to cry happy tears because God had sent that awesome little guy to cheer me up bunches. It worked wonders ...

  • We had quite a busy day, so we all wound up being everywhere we weren't lined up to be and doing a bang up job on business because we worked together to get things done. I like that part about Chick-fil-A. Team work is a good thing!

  • Jake -- the new guy -- worked register tonight and did an absolutely fantastic job! We were all very proud of his hard work and teachable spirit tonight.

  • Tonight, we were discussing someone going to a men's club. One of the guys was asking our advice about it; Adrienne and I agreed that they didn't promote good character, nor was it wise to go. The particular girl I'd been struggling to have a good attitude towards all day walked up and said, "Well, I think they should be able to go if he wants to! They just want to have fun." Adrienne and I both looked at each other, and said it wasn't a good place to go. The girl grew serious and said, "Um no, hun. It's called single mom's trying to make a living. Why don't you try to show some support." I don't know, but that really blew Adrienne and I away. "No way am I going to support that! That's not even true. They could get a job anywhere, good jobs!" I said. Adrienne agreed with me, while the other girl started going on. I turned around and walked away.

  • I'm not typically controversial but there are a handful of subjects -- the above for instance -- that aren't going down without a fight. I believe it's wrong, and I'm not about to back down just because others think I should support things like that.

  • Honestly now, I feel a little like I've been ranting from a soapbox from hello. I'm sorry if I am. Someone said today that you can't always be peppy and positive, even though I try hard to be. So thus, you wound up with a lot of honest to goodness randomness from my day. * smiles *

  • Next on the list, I'm going to kill alot of people with kindness. Yes sir, that's just what I'm going to do! Though I don't know what will prove more difficult, learning to say "no" or being so insanely kind to unlovely people. We shall see ...

  • Mom brought home my bible study books since I missed it tonight. The title alone is killer, "Finding God's Path Through Trials." Ironic, yes? To this I say, thank you Lord! Obviously, I'm getting some real life examples here! * Smiling muchly. *


Brian said...

Don't ever feel bad about having to get on your soap box.

Well, I have been dealing with this particular girl since I started working at Chick-Fil-A. She is particularly misguided. I even had to deal with her ideas about the "Gentlemen's Club". Evidently, she would go with him, just to support him. She definitely does not have a good "moral compass" (that's what they say at the FD). It is very funny how many people find her presents more than upsetting.

In my defense, I find that the knife fits in my back pocket better than in my front. The pockets are too big and it tends to turn in my front and then it looks really funny because it pokes out.

I am glad your day had something in it that was good. You seem to have a lot of really loving kids that come and see you.

Were there when that lady told me "I was told to ask you for a handful of mints." I replied, handing her the mints, "did that person tell you that your breath smelled bad or something?"

Anway, Glad you wrote tonight. It always makes my night. =]

Caleb said...

Daniel is so great... Many days when I'm having a rough day, he says something funny to cheer me up.
Thanks for your thoughts... I hope the next day is better for you!

Matt said...

Ok I hear alot of talk bout that topic of the club thing at work, but not from the women! lol I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and telling that person the truth. Don't ya find it funny, or disappointing, that sometimes it is SO hard to stand up for the right things, but its always nice to have others who feel the same way you do about it. ;) Keep it up, an she will eventually just leave the whole topic alone. :)
Hope ya have a great day! ;)

Brittany said...

Brian: I am quite fond of my soap box at times. :) And yes, I was there for the mint episode. It made me laugh!

Caleb: I know! I love that little guy. Today had it's rough moments but it was nice. Thanks!

Matt: Yeah, women disuss that kind of stuff too apparently. Thanks for being proud of me :) And yes, I do find it kind of funny | yet disappointing that its sometimes hard to do what & say what's right. She didn't bring it up today so that was nice. Thanks for the encouragment!:)

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