Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nothing Profound

  • Jordan says "Don't worry 'bout a man, Miss Patty. There's other fish in the sea, only they aint like me. I'm a great white, they're rare." It isn't as if it's obvious or anything ... but the boy is full of himself. The old ladies adore him, and he just eats it up.

  • On my way to work this morning, I got behind this little Orange Kubota farm tractor for some of the longest three minutes of my life. I wondered if I would ever make it to work on time, but it was fine. * smiles *

  • Working late tonight and pretty much breaking my neck to make it to church in time, you have no idea what relief it was to get to church and find Caleb at the piano. For thirty minutes, I kept wondering what on earth they would do if their pianist didn't make it in time to play. But thankfully, Caleb voluntarilly filled in for me and made me want to cry. I was beyond relieved, honestly.

  • Apparently, the teens were discussing how the world influences us in youth group tonight. Commercials -- Victoria Secret ones, in particular -- were used for an example. One of the younger teen guys raised his hand and said, "What's wrong with them? Girls need ... oh. I guess they don't have to use the models." When the girls told me this, I laughed. It was more of the you-had-to-be-there moments, but still I found it pretty comical.

  • Little old ladies with handicap signs hanging from their mirrors, ordering ice cream cones in drive-thru scare me. Why is it that they insist on cruising around town like that? I know how good and fine it is to enjoy ice cream & sunshine all at once, but really ... no texting while driving should also mean, NO ice cream cones while driving too. Well, that didn't come out quite right, but you know what I'm getting at. I'll just tippy-toe off my soap box now ...

  • Today, I met a black man named White. This made me smile, he leaned over the counter and said "Isn't that the funniest thing you ever heard, little lady?" Oh, how I do love a good sense of humor.

  • My manager Billy says, "Hey, you're not a bad dude. I mean, as a girl you pretty much stink ... but you don't make a half bad dude, pal." To this, I nod my head. "Ahmm, I see how it is. Oh Billy Billy, what are we gonna do with you?" We all love to pick on Billy, probably because he can basically give and take with an easy-going attitude. Billy's our cheerleader at work, he said to me one day "Brittany. Brittany. She's our man! If she can't do it, we'll call Stan." So today, he asked me how things were coming out front. I told he better call Stan ... he turned all Doctor Seuss and said, "Stan's busy, there's a new plan -- Brittany. Brittany. She's our man! If she can't do it, no one can." How very original. * laughing muchly. *

  • Tomorrow is my half day off, I'm thrilled beyond words. There is so much joy in my soul just now that I would probably be smiling alot if I had the energy. But you want to know something kind of funny? I'm losing my voice now after having a high school group today | lines out both doors | and ME having to shout to be heard. This was all still strange and new for me, I don't typically do the whole yelling thing when I first meet somebody, but really it was beyond neccessary today.

  • People aren't always what they seem. Some are better | some are worse. But it's learning to see past their faults and their fake smiles to who they truly are. This is something that hit me like a rock the other morning at work, and I thought "Wow. That's really true!"

  • Last, but certainly not least. In God's eyes I am more than the sum of all my past mistakes and the choices that I've made. To God, I am so much! I love that muchly.


Caleb said...

Sounds like one crazy day!!! Yeah, teen class WAS hilarious last night! :)

I'm glad I could make your day just a little less hectic yesterday. You needed it!

Brian said...

Oh for the love of Billy. I don't think I could ever get over his sense of humor. If he isn't harassing me about being the firefighter from the Villagers, he is trying to cheer me up by saying he is going to hit Jenn in the face. He seems to think that it would change my mood if he left a chocolate hotdog on my car. I'm not sure I would find that amusing, but, it did make me smile. It is a shame that he can't work nights more. It would be a nice comic relief from the stressful times of our normal closing manager. You know, I today I felt more outgoing with customers than I think I have ever felt. I asked a lady for her name for the order and she told me Jennifer, and then said that normally she would just say Darth Vader. I found that funny because I once asked a man for a name -a Star Wars character name for his order. He said no, and it stopped me cold in my tracks. I am always glad to see that you get at least one day of the week off. You probably need your rest. =]

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