Sunday, March 6, 2011

Untitled Indeed.

I just walked in the door, and have yet to change my clothes. My energy is basically zero, so I ditched the Italian leftovers from supper, and settled for some Lucky Charms. Have you any idea what Lucky Charms do for my soul?!!

On my way home, I suddenly realized something good and wonderful. So wonderful, I almost wanted to cry. I made it through 55 hours of work this week! It may not mean a lot to you, but I'm so incredibly thankful to have this week behind me. It just feels so good to know that tomorrow I go nowhere but church, and do nothing but sleep in between if I so choose. Hurrah!

My day started off with a bang, I got to sleep in. This was music to my ears, and joy way down deep. The girls and I drove to our piano lesson and went grocery shopping for Mama, which was all fine and dandy. An older man came up to me in the checkout line, and we somehow started a nice little conversation about my favorite-est old neighbor, Michell. I love old people. * smiles *

My sister drove my car on the way home. I suppose this buys me Awesome Big Sister points somewhere down the line, doesn't it? So she's just driving along with her little white-knuckled grip, smilin' and waving at every hick that passes us. And I'm sitting there in the passenger seat - holding her bag of skittles - eating ORANGE ones of all things, and not even caring. Typically, its yellow & red or green & purple, but not today ... I'm freaking out on the inside, and looking smooth and calm on the outside. I'm thinking to myself, "Lord in Heaven, will Orange Skittles truly be my last supper?"

She asks for a skittle, I reach over and shove one in her mouth to save her the trouble. A beat up old Chevy passes us, my sister waves. This girl forgets the skittles momentarily and screams at her sister, "Don't wave! I'm not feeding you for my health, girl." Laughter errupts from all four girls and she insists its only polite. I turn in my seat to look at her ... "Bull, child. Saving my life is polite."

But alas, God heard my plea and we were saved. Until we passed a house with an upright piano sitting on the curb. I've never had the desire to play a random piano on the side of the road before, especially not beat up ones with a cardboard sign with Free! painted on the side ... but you know, it just so happened to be one of those things. Thus, we pulled over and I jumped out long enough to sit down and play a song. It filled the morning air with a twangy version of Power in the Blood, and I thought to myself I'd remember this moment for a long time to come. Random unique moments strike a chord way down deep in my heart, you know.

Why does it always start to rain just as I'm opening my sunroof? I find this strange, and slightly comical.

Have you ever considered the grave chain of events, if a bat were to fly through your open car window at night? I have. Someone once told me such a story when I was little, and I'm gullible and all so wouldn't you know I think of this every time my windows are down at night. * wink *

Speaking of which, on my way home I saw a guy jogging down the road in the pitch black dark. I wanted to stop because smart people just don't run in the rain at midnight, but wise words rang in my head. So I thought to myself, "Hey man, do you really gotta do that now? Just wondering ... "

The day has long since drawn to a close, and the tired girl is thinking warm thoughts of sleep and goodness. So with this, I offer a final farewell to the wet, and rainy world. Goodnight! ♥


Brian said...

I always love getting to sleep in after a long day of work. It is funny how when everything is said and done, Sunday turns into the only day that we have off. My first job was at Quiznos and almost every Sunday I had to work. Normally, I could go to church first, but I still never had Sundays to God and myself.

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Every Moment We Have Is A Precious Gift