Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For Lack of Something Better ...

  • At ten to five this morning, the self appointed wake up call flashed their brights behind me. And I thought to myself, "Why?" Nevertheless, they will have to try harder to aggrivate me on a morning when I haven't grabbed a Blueberry Waffle & Coffee as I walked out the door. Blueberry Waffles are kind of like Lucky Charms - they maketh me smile.

  • Nothing but girls on the front line-up today, with the exception of Dustin. None of us had more than about four hours of sleep, we were crazy tired and we were either laughing or crying. It was pretty hilarious. The poor guy just stood there trying to pick up our slack, as we laughed over the dumbest things. For a solid 2 hours straight, we even had a few customers cracking up at our antics, and Dustin just kept saying, "I'm sorry, sir/ma'am. Things are a bit crazy this morning." * smiles. *

  • Every Tuesday, we're holding on Spicy. And yet, people still act surprised. This fact never ceases to amaze me, wouldn't it be smarter to just assume we'll hold and plan ahead? But it always works itself out in the end, no biggie.

  • As I'm ringing up one of the guy's employee meals, he leans over the counter and says "You wear a retainer?" I'm sure I gave him a funny look when I said, "I do, but not at the moment." Jordan told me to smile, as he unconciously smiled himself. "Man, you got nice teeth." I replied, "What. In. The. World. Jordan." And then Miss Jackie told he he better scoot himself off to break before she got a broom after his backside. She's a keeper, that woman.

  • The fake twin of a famous man came through drive-thru today, and I thought to myself that everything was fine. * smiles *

  • This afternoon, Miss Jackie was making Milkshakes. Unbeknownst to me, she has a weak stomach. As she was making a Chocolate Milkshake for Drive-thru, I heard her cough so I turned around to see if she was alright. All sympathies fled when she began gagging and walking away from the ice cream shaking her head. Casey and I were practically on the floor in stitches! Turns out, Casey had without thinking make a remark about the chocolate syrup on top looking kind of like an eye-ball she'd seen somewhere, which set poor Jackie off. She comes back looking fierce, which for Jackie isn't so very scary. "O my lanta, girl!" Casey said, "Jackie. You always blame me for everything." Then she and I busted up again. Someday soon, Miss Jackie's going to come after both our backsides with that broom of hers. * laughing muchly. *

  • My coworkers are so different and interesting. Kristen walked away from front counter today to "help me" because she couldn't take it anymore. I asked her what was wrong, and all she could say was "Man! he's so hot. I just had to walk away before I did something dumb." Oh my soul, what a day it has been. They keep life interesting, for sure.

  • I came home, changed my clothes and slept through supper with real fine class. Basically, I pretty much crashed on the couch for two hours and woke up to Dad reading Pilgrim's Progress to the boys. When Daddy asked them what they thought of it, Sammy said "Well Dad. I think it sure does sound like a smart book. Kind of like the Bible. Yeah."

  • Why do little kids have to talk so fast? Leaves my exhausted brain in a muddle, racing to make some sort of sense out of what they're talking about.

  • I don't even have to know my Boss' number to recoginize when he calls. He left a message and asked if I'd come in early on Thursday. We're pretty short at work due to the craziness of schedules lately, so I text him and told him I would. Hello, 54 hour week. I think we shall soon become fast friends. * smiles. *


Brian said...

Jordan is a real character. One time I walked in after school to get my check and he was doing dishes. Immediately upon seeing me he jumped on the opportunity of asking me if I wanted to work for him. Every time I come in to the store for breakfast and he is in the kitchen, he always knows exactly what I want and already has it made before I even order. I am glad I learned about your blog =]

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