Saturday, March 12, 2011

His Name was Mary

  • Two random guys walk up to two registers. Chick-fil-A employee asks "May I get your name for the order, sir?" The big burly customer replies "Mary." with the straightest, most serious of faces. Second Guy customer busts out laughing right there on the spot and actually had to walk away from the counter to get a grip on himself. This made me laugh bunches and tons. It was hilarious ... especially because they didn't even know each other.

  • Yesterday, I was so tired that I fell asleep eating lunch. Jordan bumped my arm and said, "Hey, wake up." Apparently, I had fallen asleep as I was putting cream cheese on my bagel. Who does that? I guess I was just really, really tired. Jordan's words of wisdom: I should get more sleep, because I looked like I was going to fall over dead. Thank you, Jordan. * smiles *

  • Something funny happened today -- my cousin stopped by Chicky to see me, and a few of the girls said, "Is that your brother? He's hot!" I cracked up, because I never really think of my cousin as hot but rather adorable. But alas, he's decided he ought to visit more often after gaining such smiling approval.

  • Tonight, I am thankful for caring people who take on a load of responsibility and step in when I can't handle something, even if I want to really bad.

  • I bright-lighted somebody tonight on the way home and as felt so bad about it for some random, silly reason I wanted to jump out and say "Hey mister, sorry 'bout that" just because it's because a pet peeve of mine lately, but then I told myself I was a nut and went on my merry little way.

  • I suddenly just looked at all the comments on my blog and thought, "Golly molly, that's alot." lol
  • So I think I'm getting used to the kitties. The14 pound tub of lard is curled up in my lap being all sweet and cuddly. Neither of them have permanent names yet, due to 8 people not agreeing on anything just yet. Personally, dumb and dumber would be just fine with me as they don't come running when I snap my fingers or say "Here, kitty kitty." Mommy informed me last night that it's not natural, unless you've raised them that way. My bad for expecting greatness ... anyways, the grey one is in my lap nearly suffocating me and watching me type. It's cute.

  • And I basically forgot we had kitties unitl I walked in the door tonight and tripped on one of those teeny, shiny kitty toys they'd left lying around.

  • It just dawned on me that I have Piano class bright and early tomorrow morning, and I've touched the piano for a little over an hour all week which is really quite sad! If it were a test, I'd surely fail it. But thankfully, my piano teacher is awesome and lets me slide on little things.

  • And the absolute best for last. Tomorrow is Saturday, meaning after piano I don't have to work until later. Much later. Connecting all those little dots, means I don't have to wake up at all un-Godly hours of the morning. Hello rainy wet, wonderful world. Goodnight! * smiling muchly *


Brian said...

You know, I had that problem a while ago. I just couldn't say no when they called me. I have learned that although work is important, yourself always comes before anything else. It sounds selfish, and maybe I have just picked it up from all the fire fighting training, but you always need to take care of yourself before you help another because if you under estimate your own abilities, you fall into the same predicament that got you asked in the first place. You work so much. I think after a 55 hour work week, the eight dollars they pay you is not worth the extra hour of sleep and rest that you could be getting. You better have a wonderful, restful day tomorrow | because come four, you will have to worry about all the hectic obstacles involved with working at the greatest fast food chain in America! *end light sarcastic voice*

PS. You always make my day much better, no matter what kind of mood I am in when I get to work. Thank you. =]

Brittany said...

Thank you, Mr. EMT. lol I plan on having a super day, actually! And about the greatest fast food chain ... yeah, I'd say you've got it just about right. I'd rather sell real chicken any day than have to advertise that our nuggets are now made with REAL chicken. ;)

You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I put cream cheese on my bagels! Its good.
I hope you have a super-fantastic day tomorrow ;)

Brittany said...

Really? I think it's awesome. Hope yours is super-fantastic too! :)

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